Find out about:
- Company summary tables and charts, with the data most users want
- Company detailed tables, with more complex data
Company summary tables and charts
- Table 9: Selected income items
- Table 10: Selected expenses
- Chart 13: Number of companies and net tax by size
- Table11: International dealing, by entity type
Data for each income year includes data processed up to 31 October of the following year. For example, data for the 2014–15 income year includes data processed up to 31 October 2016.
Total income: components do not add to the total number of taxpayers because taxpayers may declare more than one type of income. Some components of total income are not listed in this table. The count, average and median for total income are calculated including zeroes.
All other expenses: this is the label on the return form and does not include all expenses from the income tax return not listed in this table.Total expenses: components do not add to the total number of taxpayers claiming expenses because taxpayers may claim more than one type of expense. Some components of total expenses are not listed in this table. The count, average and median for total expenses are calculated including zeroes.
Chart 13: Number of companies and net tax by size, 2014–15 income year
The data for the above chart is available at Link.
Company detailed tables
Table indexExternal Link
Company detailed tables index
Lists the different items shown in the company detailed tables and specifies in which table they appear.
Table 1External Link
Selected items, 1979–80 to 2014–15 income years
Shows most items from the company tax return for all income years between 1979–80 and 2014–15.
A new table (1B) shows counts, averages and medians for most items for the 2012–13 to 2014–15 income years.
Table 2External Link
Selected items for the 2014–15 income year, by:
- net tax range
- company type
Selected items for the 2014–15 income year, by:
- taxable income range
- taxable status
- residency status
- company type
A new multi-year table (3B) includes key items for the 2010–11 to 2014–15 income years.
Table 4External Link
Selected items, by industry, for the 2014–15 income year
Table 5External Link
Selected industry items and financial ratios for the 2014–15 income year, by:
- company size
- taxable status
- profit status
- broad industry
The financial ratios include:
- return on assets
- net profit margin
- interest cover
- tax to profit
- tax to income
Table 6External Link
Selected items, for the 2014–15 income year, by:
- taxable status
- residency status
- company type
- company size
A new multi-year table (6B) includes key items for the 2010–11 to 2014–15 income years
Table 7External Link
International related party dealings, by country, 2014–15 income year
Shows the countries where entities had international related party dealings together with the associated revenue and expenditure.
Table 8External Link
International dealings schedule items, 2012–13 to 2014–15 income years