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Capital gains tax

Last updated 23 September 2020

Data in this section is taken from processed tax returns, based on income year reporting.

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Capital gains tax summary charts

Chart 15: Estimated tax on net capital gains, by entity type, 2012–13 to 2016–17 income years

Chart 15 shows the estimated tax on net capital gains for individuals, companies and super funds for the last 5 income years. The link below will take you to the data behind this chart as well as similar data back to the 2009–10 income year.

For more information, see our definition of Estimating tax on net capital gains.

To access the data for this chart, as well as similar data back to the 2009–10 income year, download Snapshot table 5External Link from

Chart 16: Source of current year capital gains, by entity type, 2016–17 income year

Chart 16 shows the source of current year capital gains, for individuals, companies and super funds, for the 2016–17 income year. The link below will take you to the data behind this chart as well as similar data back to the 2009–10 income year.

This chart only includes information for individuals, companies and funds who completed a CGT schedule.

To access the data for this chart, as well as similar data back to the 2009–10 income year, download Snapshot table 5External Link from

Capital gains tax detailed tables

Table 1External Link: Selected items, by entity, 2012–13 to 2016–17 income years

Table 2External Link: Net capital gains, by entity, taxable status and amount of gains, 2016–17 income year
