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Industry benchmarks

Last updated 30 March 2021

Industry benchmarks are ratios calculated from information provided to us on tax returns and activity statements. Presented as financial and activity statement ratios, they can be used to:

  • analyse business activity and performance
  • identify businesses whose activity and performance varies significantly from industry averages.

We produce separate benchmarks for individuals, companies, partnerships and trusts. We also produce a set of benchmarks that combines data for individuals, companies, partnerships and trusts into the one set of ratios.

Two sets of ratios are produced for each of the three levels of industry – broad industry, fine industry and business industry code. The industry grouping is based on the industry codes provided on tax returns.

The first set of ratios includes all entities. The second set of ratios only includes profitable businesses.

Some tables are further divided by business status (newly-commenced business or established business) while others are broken down by ranges of business income.

For each sub-population, we show the:

  • number of entities
  • average ratio
  • median ratio.

Along with the industry benchmarks, we also produce small business benchmarks for a selection of industries. These benchmarks are slightly different and are for businesses whose turnover is up to $15 million.

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