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Supporting ATO staff during natural disasters

Find out if it's safe to attend your site and which work and leave options are available during a natural disaster.

Last updated 10 May 2023

Is your site safe and open

If a site is safe to occupy, it will remain open.

If a site is unsafe, Emergency Services or ATO Business Continuity Management (BCM) will close it, if this occurs:

  • BCM may send you a SMS (for example, if the closure happens out of hours). Make sure your emergency contact details are up to date in SAP, so you receive these messages. To update your contact details, visit myATO and search 'emergency contact details'.
  • If you aren't sure if your site is open, contact the ATO Emergency Helpline on the number listed on the back of your building pass and select ‘option 3’ to listen to a pre-recorded message.

If your site is unsafe to attend

If a site is open, it is safe to go to the office.

If your site is open and your route to work is clear and within your usual travel time, you can go into the office as normal.

If your site is open but getting there is difficult, time consuming or dangerous, contact your manager and discuss:

  • working from home or alternative working arrangements
  • taking leave.

If it is not safe to go to the office:

  • inform your manager
  • work from home
  • consider taking leave
  • alternative work options e.g. working from a different site.

If you want more advice or guidance, contact ATO People Helpline on 13 15 50.

ATO staff leave entitlements

All staff leave is approved on a case-by-case basis. It is subject to your manager’s discretion and broad guidance from ATO People.

If Business Continuity Management authorises closure of your site, you should work from home, if possible. Impacted staff that cannot work from home, will be able to apply for miscellaneous leave.

In a natural disaster, depending on your circumstances, you may be entitled to:

  • annual leave
  • personal leave (carers or sick)
  • flex
  • miscellaneous leave, or
  • emergency service volunteer leave.

For more information, visit myATO and search for 'Natural disaster tip sheet' or 'Miscellaneous leave guidelines'.
