EOI on request
This is the most common type of EOI. It is initiated as a request for information on a specific taxpayer by one treaty partner to another. The process includes the subsequent response to that request.
Spontaneous EOI
This involves information sent by one treaty partner to another, where the information has not been requested by the other treaty partner but may be useful or of interest to them.
Exchange of Rulings
This Spontaneous EOI measure was designed by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) to strengthen transparency on six categories of rulings, including Private Binding Rulings and Advanced Pricing Arrangements.
Automatic EOI
This involves regular transmission of agreed taxpayer information between treaty partners. The information includes investment income in the form of interest, dividends, and trust distributions. The information is recorded by the ATO and used for data matching compliance activities.
Australia is also committed to a number of broader Automatic EOI initiatives designed to improve international tax transparency.
The Common Reporting Standard (CRS)
An OECD initiative, the Common Reporting Standard is a global standard for the collection, reporting and exchange of financial account information on foreign tax residents.
The Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (FATCA)
The Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act is the standard for the automatic exchange of financial account information between Australia and the United States of America.
Country-by-Country (CbC) reporting
Country-by-Country reporting facilitates the collection and international exchange of information regarding significant global entities.
Outlines the three types of Exchange of Information (EOI) mechanisms.