Our focus
Outlines the key areas presenting a higher risk that we pay particular attention to.
Most offshore dealings are legitimate, but some people evade paying tax.
Our domestic and international relationships help us to reduce opportunities for tax crime and tackle tax evaders.
How the Joint Chiefs of Global Tax Enforcement (J5) combat transnational tax crime through enforcement collaboration.
The ATO-led Serious Financial Crime Taskforce tackles the most serious forms of financial crime.
Financial criminals deliberately abuse the tax and superannuation systems to gain illegal financial benefits.
Why it's a serious offence to grow, manufacture or produce illicit tobacco and what penalties may apply.
Refund fraud occurs when people dishonestly claim refunds, rebates or offsets they aren't entitled to.
What is organised crime, it’s impacts and how the ATO takes action to tackle criminal activities.
Find out what illegal phoenix activity is, the warning signs, how to protect yourself and how to report a company.
We are constantly receiving information that helps us detect and investigate tax evasion and other illegal activities.