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Last updated 11 November 2010

Australian Taxation Office sources

ATO story

This is a collection of information and artefacts collected in the early 2000s. Since the research for this history was undertaken the collection has been reinvigorated and some changes made to its arrangement.

ATO History, Chronology

Collection of statements, notes, quotes and yarns

Informational Materials 1910-19 to 1960-69'

Commissioners of the Australian Taxation Office (part 2)

Commonwealth Taxation: A Brief History

Information materials and statistical data about women in the ATO

Oral History Program, Interview Tape Logs

Our Story, Commissioners of the Australian Taxation Office

Profiles of the ATO officers

The 1910s

The 1920s

The 1930s

The 1920s

The 1940s

The 1950s

The 1960s

The 1970s

The 1980s

The 1990s

Canberra bushfire booklet, Thoughts, Support and Well-wishes

Official Welcome Home, Sydney Town Hall, Friday 10th May, 1946

Official Souvenir Program, 5th Biennial Taxation Offices Interstate Sporting Carnival

Program, Taxation Follies of 1945

Program, The Quaker Girl, April 1945

Program, Christmas Frolics, 1950

Speech, Trevor Boucher, 31 October 1990


Sue Anderson

Peter Achterstraat

Terri Ashley

Gerald Barry

Brenda Beutel

Phil Black

Mike Bond

Trevor Boucher

Mike Borucinski

Bill Boyton

Jan Brady

Tracy Breckweg

Greg Burgoyne

David Butler

Damian Byrnes

Michael Carmody

Tracie Crowden

Andrew Cocker

Denis Cortese

Danielle Cosgrove

Lee Cowie

Michael Cranston

Virginia Crozier

Kevin Curby

Steve Dardo

Michael D'Ascenzo

Frances Dee

Robert Deuchar

David Diment

Philip Doolan

Firmino dos Santos

Liz Ellwood

Kate Everingham

Gus Falkenhagen

Kevin Fitzpatrick

Chris Flynn

Phil Frain

Beverley Francis

Karen Freuen

Bill Gibson

Jennie Granger

Alan Green

Margaret Green

Richard Green

Grahame Hager

Margaret Haly

David Harwood

Kathryn Hedger

Dennis Hewitt

Philip Hind

Kipling Ho

Stephen Hodge

Erin Holland

Lillian Howes

Peter Hughes

John Hutt

Bruce Jones

Lionel Jones

Kerrie Keefe

Carolyn Kelly

Brent Kerr

Lindy Kerr

Jill Jenkins

Jim Killaly

Mark Konza

Fun Lam

Denise Howell

Dawn Lane

Jeff Lapidos

John Lawrie

Bob Leach

Simon Le Maistre

Andrew Liso

Keith Love

Christine Lucas

Maree Harmon

Mick Lyons

Roseanne McCann

John McCarthy

Ron McEvoy

Bob McIntyre

Marilyn McTaggart

Des Maloney

Sue Mills

Pam Mitchell

Paul Malone

Chris Mobbs

John Molineux

Michael Monaghan

Graeme Moyne

Bob Mullins

Mary Murray

Ted Newton

Neil Olesen

Bill O'Reilly

John O'Reilly

Peter O'Reilly

Michael Osborne

Leo Pierro

Jeff Piggott

Elliot Reich

Julie Pitman

Anna Pizzonia

Brian Power

Julie Prater

Melinda Reed

Bruce Quigley

Sandra Ramadori

Robert Ravanello

Carolyn Rawson

Ken Read

Philip Richards

Amanda Rochford

Gidge Rotunno

Graham Rowe

Michael Sach

Ryan Schipper

Moira Scollay

Peter Simpson

Bill Soldas

Gaye Spencer

Gwendy Street

Roger Sullivan

Graeme Sykes

Anthony Tabone

Warren Taylor

Con Theacos

Loc Trinh

Paul Tregillis

Theonie Tsoussis

Helen Tuck

Michael Trinca

Bruce Turner

Anne Van Loon

Raelene Vivian

Marcus Wearne

Denise Webb

Garry Webster

Katie Welsh

Greg Wheeler

Jack Wheeler

Christopher Whorlow

Greg Williams

Richard Williams

Craig Wynn-Jones

Karen Wynn-Jones

Trevor Yates

National Office Library

ATO Newsletter.

Annual reports of the Commissioner of Taxation (various individual titles).

Conference of Commonwealth and State Commissioners of Taxation to Discuss the Recommendations of the Royal Commission on Taxation held in Canberra, 15th May 1934, Proceedings and Decisions of Conference.

Conference of Commonwealth and State Commissioners of Taxation and Representatives to discuss the Recommendations of the Royal Commission on Taxation held in Melbourne, 8 August 1935, Proceedings and Decisions of Conference.

Departmental Rulings Regarding Deductions Under Section 23, 1925.

Joy, A History of Taxation by the Australian Government.

Ready Reckoner, Federal Income Tax, 1935.

Robert Ewing, Taxes and their Incidence, Melbourne University Press, 1926.

Tax People.

Electronic sources

Annual report 2008-09.

ATOextra (1998-2003).

News Extra (2003-).

From miscellaneous ATO sources

Trevor Boucher, Blatant, artificial and contrived: Tax schemes of the 70s and 80s, ATO, Canberra, 2010.

Celebrating the Eightieth Anniversary of the Taxation RSL Sub-branch.

Deputy Commissioners Conference, Notes from the opening address by Mr TPW Boucher, Commissioner of Taxation, 11 July 1984, supplied by Trevor Boucher.

Employee communication; from Commissioner Michael D'Ascenzo, email, 3 December 2009.

John Grealy, Taxation Rugby League, Football Club Reunion, 1992.

Office Minute, Investment in our Future Directions, Commissioner to National Program Managers, 17 January 2006, supplied by Commissioner's office.

Parramatta Newsletter, commemorative issue June 1990.

Program, Eighth Taxation Interstate Sporting Carnival, Brisbane, 30 September to 5 October, 1962.

Queensland Taxation Sports Association, First Annual Report, 1938-39.

Queensland Taxation Sports and Social Association, Annual Report, 1953-54.

Tax Administration: Issues and Directions, Address by Commissioner of Taxation, Michael Carmody, to the Taxation Institute of Australia (Victorian Branch), Melbourne, 16 February 1993, Legislative Services Group Bulletin No.78, copy supplied by Kevin Fitzpatrick.

Tax annual 1959, Annual Report of Queensland Taxation Sports and Social Association

Tax Topics (Perth branch), March and April 1966.

Other sources


E Ronald Walker, The Australian Economy in War and Reconstruction, New York, 1947.

Graeme Alpin, SG Foster and Michael McKernan (eds), Australians, Events and Places, Fairfax, Syme & Weldon Associates, Broadway, NSW, 1987.

Gerald E Caiden, Career Service, An Introduction to the History of Personnel Administration in the Commonwealth Public Service of Australia, 1901-1961, Melbourne University Press, 1965.

LF Fitzhardinge, That Fiery Particle 1862-1914, A Political Biography of William Morris Hughes, Volume 1, Sydney, 1978.

AJ Grassby, A Multicultural Society for the Future, Canberra, Australian Government Publishing Service, 1973.

Ian Macfarlane, The Search for Stability, Boyer Lectures 2006, ABC Books, Sydney, 2006.

Geoffrey Sherrington, Australia's Immigrants, 1788-1988, Second edition, Sydney, 1990.

Julie P Smith, Taxing Popularity, The Story of Taxation in Australia, Australian Tax Research Foundation, Research Study No.43, 2004.

Roger C Thompson, Religion in Australia: A History, Oxford University Press, Melbourne, 2002.

Wray Vamplew (ed), Australians, Historical Statistics, Fairfax, Syme & Weldon Associates, Broadway, NSW, 1987.

Newspapers and magazines

The Age

The Argus

Australian Financial Review

Ballarat Courier

Savvy & Sage

Smith's Weekly

The Sydney Morning Herald

Official publications

Commonwealth Parliamentary Debates

Official Year Book of the Commonwealth of Australia 1901-1910

Official Year Book of the Commonwealth of Australia, No.13

Official Year Book of the Commonwealth of Australia, No.23, 1930

Official Year Book of the Commonwealth of Australia, No.33, 1940

Official Year Book of the Commonwealth of Australia No 56, 1970

Year Book of Australia, No 64, 1980

National Archives of Australia (record series)


CRS A428

CRS A447

CRS A458

CRS A461

CRS A571

CRS A2700

CRS A6006

CRS A6899

CRS A7073

CRS A11857


Bob Birrell, '1972-2000', in Andrew Marcus (ed), Building a New Community, Immigration and the Victorian Community, St Leonards, 2001.

Gerard Griffin, Union Mergers in Australia: Top Down Strategic Restructuring, Working Paper 80, National Key Centre in Industrial Relations, Monash University, Melbourne, April 2002.

P. D. Groenewegen, 'Ewing, Robert (1871-1957)', Australian Dictionary of Biography, Volume 8, Melbourne University Press, 1981, pp 453-454.

Heather Radi, 'Bruce, Stanley Melbourne [Viscount Bruce]
(1883-1967)', Australian Dictionary of Biography, Volume 7, Melbourne University Press, 1979, pp 453-461.

Malcolm Tull and Leigh Edmonds, 'Competition Policy', Historical Encyclopaedia of Western Australia, Jenny Gregory and Jan Gothard (eds), University of Western Australia Press, Crawley, 2009.

World wide web

Australian War Memorial, Link

Rate Inflation, australia-historical-inflation-rate.phpExternal Link

Australian Bureau of Statistics, Link

Roger Clarke, Origin and nature of the internet in Australia, Link

Inspector-General of Taxation, Link

Board of Taxation, Link
