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Complaints form

Info Alert
Calling us is the fastest way to resolve your complaint

Phone us on 1800 199 010Opens in a new window between 8:00 am and 6:00 pm, Monday to Friday (local time), except public holidays

Before you start

Warning Alert
Unreasonable behaviour may result in your complaint not being progressed
We may be unable to progress your complaint if your behaviour during the process is unreasonable. This includes language used in your complaint.

All fields are required unless marked as 'optional'.

If your complaint is related to an existing complaint, please have your reference number on hand so we can link your complaints and address them faster.

If you are a Tax or BAS agent, submit a complaint through Online Services for AgentsOpens in a new window. Go to Reports and forms, select Forms, then select Tax Practitioner complaint.

Your details

Providing us with this information will help us verify your identity and resolve your complaint faster. If you do not provide this information as part of your complaint lodgment, we may need to contact you to verify your identity before we can resolve your complaint.
Mobile phone number is preferred so that we can also communicate with you via SMS.
For example, you are deaf or find it hard to hear or speak to people on the phone.

Complaint details

Max 1000 characters.
Max 1000 characters.
We are authorised under taxation laws to collect the information on this form, including your TFN.
This information will be used to help us resolve your complaint as quickly as possible.
We will need to speak to you to confirm your identity if your complaint requires us to access - and disclose sensitive or personal information.

ATO Charter – Our CharterOpens in a new window outlines our commitments to you. It explains what you can expect in all your dealings with us and what we expect from you.