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Business activity statements (BAS)

How to complete, lodge and pay your business activity statement (BAS) or GST or PAYG instalment notice.

How to lodge your business activity statements (BAS) to report and pay your taxes, including GST and PAYG.

The due date for lodging and paying is displayed on your business activity statement (BAS).

Tips on preparing and lodging your business activity statements (BAS) and getting your GST information right.

What to do if you need to fix a mistake in a previously lodged BAS or make an adjustment for a change.

If you can't lodge or pay by the due date, contact us as soon as possible.

How to complete labels G1, G2, G3, G10, G11, G21, G22, G23, G24, 1A and 1B on your BAS.

How to complete labels W1, W2, W3, W4, W5 and 4 on your BAS.

You report and pay your PAYG instalments through your activity statement or instalment notice.

How to complete labels F1, F2, F3, F4, 6A and 6B on your BAS.

Labels 1E and 1F. LCT applies to cars with a GST-inclusive value exceeding the LCT threshold.

How to complete labels 7C and 7D on your BAS.

Find out about if you'll receive a quarterly GST or pay as you go (PAYG) instalment notice instead of a BAS.

Detailed information about business activity statements.
