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PAYG withholding

How employers can collect PAYG withholding and help workers and businesses meet their end-of-year tax liabilities.

How employers can understand and meet their payroll obligations and some of the common issues we see.

Withholding amounts may be required for your workers, other businesses and other payees, and subsequently sent to us.

You must lodge PAYG withholding annual reports at the end of each financial year.

Check what type of payment summary you need to give your payees for the financial year.

What to do with the tax amounts you withheld including activity statements, annual reporting and payment summaries.

Meeting your tax, super and employment termination payment obligations when someone stops working for you.

Detailed information about PAYG withholding.

Register for PAYG withholding if you need to withhold tax from payments made to your workers and businesses.

Single Touch Payroll (STP) streamlines employer reporting to government agencies.

Keep accurate and complete records helps you meet your tax, superannuation and employer obligations.
