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Digital games tax offset

Last updated 8 August 2023

The Australian Government has recently enacted legislation to establish a digital games tax offset (DGTO).

The DGTO is a refundable tax offset which allows eligible Australian companies that develop digital games to claim 30% of their total qualifying Australian development expenditure (QADE):

  • as certified by the Minister for the Arts
  • incurred on or after 1 July 2022
  • up to a cap of $20 million per company, per income year (this cap also extends to a group of companies that are connected or affiliated).

To be eligible to claim the DGTO you must:

  • obtain a certificate from the Minister for the ArtsExternal Link stating your eligibility for the DGTO and total QADE
  • claim the offset in your company tax return for the income year
  • be an Australian resident company with an ABN, or a foreign resident company with an ABN and a permanent establishment in Australia.

Once you’ve obtained a certificate from the Minister for the Arts, you can claim the DGTO in your 2022–23 company tax return on the calculation statement at label E - Refundable tax offsets.
