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Sovereign immunity and SFFFRs private rulings - form updates

We've updated application forms for sovereign entities and SFFFRs applying for private rulings regarding tax exemptions.

Published 12 April 2024

Sovereign entities and superannuation funds for foreign residents (SFFFRs) can now use updated tailored application forms to apply for private rulings for certain tax exemptions.

We've updated the forms to improve the private ruling process for applicants in response to feedback from stakeholders and our analysis of how our rulings progress through the process. Specifically, the updates clarify the level of information we need to determine eligibility for the exemptions.

The forms are for private rulings that relate to:

  • the tax exemption for sovereign entities under Division 880 of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997 (referred to as sovereign immunity)
  • the withholding tax exemption for SFFFRs under paragraph 128B(3)(jb) of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1936.

To help sovereign entities and SFFFRs understand the eligibility criteria, how to apply and evidence requirements, we've also published refreshed web guidance for sovereign entities and SFFFRs. Each of the relevant form links are included in the web guidance.
