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Interpreting the results

Last updated 8 December 2016

Many large corporate groups consist of smaller income tax reporting entities whose aggregated total income meets the transparency population income thresholds. However, if these entities are not consolidated for tax purposes, they may not individually meet the income threshold for inclusion in the report. The complexity and diversity of large corporate groups means that income may be distributed and returned by multiple entities.

While a number of names on the list in the report on entity tax information may be recognisable to the public, and any links to high profile individuals may be the subject of public knowledge, the confidentiality provisions of the tax law prevent us from disclosing some types of information. This means we cannot include details of the income and tax paid by other related entities. Taxpayers are, of course, able to disclose additional information at their own discretion.

Note: Figures in charts and text have generally been rounded. Discrepancies between totals and sums of components are due to rounding.
