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Nil tax payable by ownership segment

Last updated 12 December 2018

Australian public and foreign-owned entities have a higher proportion of entities with nil tax payable when compared to Australian private entities (Figure 24). The proportion of entities with nil tax payable was broadly stable for foreign-owned and Australian private entities, whilst there was a noticeable decline in the portion of Australian public entities that had nil tax payable in the 2016–17 income year.

Figure 24: Proportion of entities with nil tax payable, by ownership segment, 2014–15 to 2016–17

This graph shows the proportion of entities with nil tax payable in 2016–17 as compared to 2015–16 and 2014–15, by ownership segment (private, foreign-owned and Australian public). The percentages have remained broadly stable, with the exception of Australian public entities having fallen in 2016–17.
