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Total income tax payable

Income tax payable for entities in the corporate transparency population in 2018–19.

Last updated 12 May 2024

There are 2,311 corporate entities in the 2018–19 corporate transparency population, with tax payable of $56.1 billion. Compared to 2017–18, this represents a net increase of 97 entities (4.4%) and a significant increase in tax payable of $3.8 billion(7.2%).

The significant increase in tax payable was primarily driven by the mining, energy and water segment, in particular strong commodity prices and export volumes. There were declines in tax payable in other industry segments, which reflects the impact of more challenging economic conditions in 2018–19 and a softening in non-mining sector corporate profits (see Figure 1).

Figure 1: Change in tax payable, by industry segment, 2018–19

Total tax payable by corporate entities in 2018–19 was $56,082 million, compared with $52,323 million in 2017–18. Tax payable decreased in all industry segments in 2018–19 except for mining; -$1,300 million for banking, finance and investment, -$444 million for insurance, -$409 million for manufacturing, construction and agriculture, -$865 million for wholesale, retail and services. Mining, energy and water had increased tax payable of $6,778 million.

Tax payable again increased across all 3 ownership segments. Foreign-owned entities contributed the most to the increase ($2.09 billion), followed by Australian public entities ($1.33 billion) and Australian private entities ($341 million) (see Figure 2).

Figure 2: Change in tax payable, by ownership segment, 2018–19

Total tax payable by corporate entities in 2018–19 was $56,082 million, compared with $52,323 million in 2017–18. Tax payable increased in all ownership segments in 2018–19; by $341 million for Australian private entities, $2,090 million for foreign-owned entities and $1,328 million for Australian public entities.

