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Small business focus areas

The risks we're focused on right now.

Published 27 November 2024

We'll help you get it right the first time

We know most small businesses try to do the right thing.

To ensure all businesses meet their tax, super and registry obligations, we will take firmer action on those who knowingly do the wrong thing. This will prevent them from gaining an unfair advantage over others.

We want small businesses to get things right. Each quarter, we will highlight specific risk areas.

Our focus areas

Our focus areas

Focus areas


Business income is not personal income

Using business money and assets for personal use or benefit

Deductions and concessions

Non-commercial business losses

Small business capital gains tax concession

Operating outside of the system

GST registration and income of taxi, limousine and ride-sourcing services

Help and support

If any of these risk areas apply to your business, help is available:

