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Findings report Top 500 tax performance program - June 2023

Our Top 500 findings report shares insights about the tax affairs of Australia's largest private groups.

Published 20 November 2023

About this report 
A summary of what we're aiming to achieve with our findings report for the Top 500 program.

The Top 500 program 
How we engage and support the Top 500 group to get their tax obligations right.

Engaging with the Top 500 population 
Characteristics of the Top 500 groups and key findings for the 2022–23 financial year.

Performance against the justified trust framework 
Learn about justified trust and how the Top 500 groups performed against the 4 key areas of this tax assurance framework.

Performance against the 4 key areas of justified trust 
How we assess the Top 500 group's performance against 4 key areas of justified trust.

Top 500 client survey 
The feedback and lessons learned from our annual Top 500 client survey.

What we have learned and the way forward 
What we have learned from working with the Top 500 groups in the past year and our focus for the next 12 months.
