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Starting your business

Learn how to set up effective tax governance when starting your business, to mitigate tax risks and their consequences.

Last updated 30 May 2016

At this point in the business lifecycle a number of issues routinely attract our attention. Having effective tax governance will enable you to mitigate tax risks and their consequences. If we have reason to review your tax affairs, we will take into account your tax governance processes and adherence to them.

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See also

  • Starting your own business – While this resource is primarily intended for small businesses, the basic tax obligations when starting up are common to all.

Understand how to choose a structure appropriate for your business and your responsibilities that go with it.

Learn whether you need to conduct a commercial or tax due diligence process when acquiring a business or entity.

Learn how to implement systems to ensure accurate recording of private expenses and use of business assets.

Check how to correctly set up remuneration arrangements when starting a business, so they’re compliant.
