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Step 1: Calculate the adjusted average equity capital

How to calculate the adjusted average equity capital if you're an outward investing entity (ADI).

Last updated 23 July 2024

Broadly, the adjusted average equity capital of an outward investing entity (ADI) is the ADI equity capital allocated to its Australian operations. Table 30: Outward investing entity (ADI)'s step 1 and Worksheet 24: Outward investing entity (ADI)'s step 1 explain how an outward investing entity (ADI) calculates its adjusted average equity capital.

For more information, see subsection 820-300(3) of the ITAA 1997.

Table 30: Outward investing entity (ADI)'s step 1


Comments and instructions

Step 1.1: Calculate the average value, for the income year, of all the ADI's equity capital, other than ADI equity capital attributable to its overseas permanent establishments.

Insert this amount at A on Worksheet 24: outward investing entity (ADI)'s step 1.

ADI equity capital is the total value of the entity's equity capital and the total value of all the debt interests issued by the entity. To be included, a debt interest must be on issue for 90 days or more and not give rise to any costs for the issuer.

Equity capital (excluding any equity capital attributable to any of the ADI's overseas permanent establishments) includes:

  • the issue price of each equity interest in the entity that is still on issue less any of the issue price that remains unpaid
  • the entity's general reserves and asset revaluation reserves
  • the entity's retained earnings
  • the entity's current year earnings, net of expected tax and distributions
  • provisions for distributions.

Step 1.2: Calculate the average value, of all the ADI's controlled foreign entity equity for that year, unless it is attributable to any of the ADI's overseas permanent establishments.

Insert this amount at B on Worksheet 24: outward investing entity (ADI)'s step 1.

ADI equity capital is then reduced by equity invested in controlled foreign entities for which the ADI is an Australian controller. However, disregard any equity investment attributable to any of the ADI's overseas permanent establishment as it has already been excluded in step 1.1.

Step 1.3: Calculate the adjusted average equity capital. This is the result of  B.

Adjusted average equity capital represents total equity capital (A) less any equity invested in controlled foreign entities (B).

Worksheet 24: Outward investing entity (ADI)'s step 1



Step 1.1: Average ADI equity capital


Step 1.2: Average controlled foreign entity equity


Step 1.3: Adjusted average equity capital (A − B)

= ______________

Now compare the ADI's adjusted average equity capital to its minimum capital amount, which is the least of either:

  • the safe harbour capital amount – step 2
  • the worldwide capital amount – step 3
  • the arm's length capital amount – step 4.

For more information, see Worked example of calculations for an outward investing entity (ADI).
