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Excise and excise-equivalent warehouse licences register

Check which entities hold excise licences or customs excise-equivalent warehouse licences.

Last updated 25 February 2025

The excise and excise-equivalent warehouse licences register (XLSX, 121KB)This link will download a file contains information relating to entities that hold:

  • an excise licence
  • a customs excise-equivalent warehouse licence.

You can use this public register to find each licence holder's name, their Australian business number (ABN), and whether they hold a licence that we have issued under the Excise Act 1901 (Excise Act) or the Customs Act 1901 (Customs Act).

You may find this information useful to find out if entities you intend to work with hold a licence, or if you want to seek the services of a licence holder to expand or diversify your business.

We update the register periodically – the spreadsheet you download will show when the register was last updated.

You can also contact us for more information about fuel and petroleum or alcohol licences and permissions of third parties you deal with.
