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When do I need to report GST for a financial supply

Find out when you need to report financial supplies and see financial supply examples.

Last updated 12 July 2023

If you make financial supplies, you need to report information about those supplies on your BAS, including the amounts you:

  • earned from the sales of financial supplies
  • paid, or were liable to pay, from purchases you used to make financial supplies.

A supply you make is a financial supply only if it is listed in the GST regulations. Examples of financial supplies include:

  • lending or borrowing money
  • providing your customers with goods on credit for a fee
  • creating, maintaining and closing your customer's bank account
  • life insurance
  • dealing in debt, equity, unit trusts, partnership interests or futures contracts.

You can make financial supplies even if you are not a financial institution. For example, even though a department store is not a financial institution, it can provide customers with credit and charge interest on that credit. This is an input-taxed financial supply.
