Insured not registered for GST
The insured, who is not registered for GST, purchases health insurance from a health fund and pays an annual contribution of $1080. The insured requires a prosthesis costing $1,500. Under the terms of the policy, the insured must pay a 15% excess to the insurer. The insurer acquires the GST-free prosthesis, on supplies it to the insured, and is paid $225 by the insured.
Description of payment |
Amount shown on activity statement |
Activity statement label |
Reason |
Base premium. |
$1,080 |
G1 |
Payment for a sale made in the course of the insurance business. |
GST-free base premium. |
$1,080 |
G3 |
This is a GST-free supply made in the course of the insurance business. |
Payment for GST-free prosthesis ($1,500). |
$1,500 |
G11 |
The acquisition is a non-capital purchase. For reporting purposes, GST-free purchases are included at label G11. As there is no GST associated with this purchase, it will not form part of the label 1B amount. A decreasing adjustment does not apply to this transaction. |
Excess payment from insured ($225). |
Nil |
Not applicable |
Payment is not for a supply, therefore it is not included on the activity statement. |
There is no section 78-18 increasing adjustment applicable to the excess payment from the insured. The insurer has not made creditable acquisitions directly for the purposes of settling the claim.
For accuracy and statistical purposes it is necessary to show the amounts at G1 and G3.
Insured registered for GST
The example in 4.1 will yield the same activity statement result regardless of whether the insured is registered for GST or not.
Insured not registered for GST - the policy is directly connected with goods or real property located offshore
The insured is a non-resident and purchases a building and contents policy for $1,697 from a general insurer located in Australia. The insured's building and contents are located overseas. The policy premium consisted of:
Base premium |
$1,682 |
Stamp duty on policy |
$15 |
Total cost of policy |
$1,697 |
There is a $220 excess on this policy.
One of the contents of the building is damaged and the insurer contracts with a supplier in Australia to provide a replacement to the insured. The goods are delivered to the insurer who then forwards them overseas. The cost of replacement is $4,400. The insured pays the $220 excess directly to the insurer.
Description of payment |
Amount shown on activity statement |
Activity statement label |
Reason |
Base premium. |
$1,682 |
G1 |
Payment for a sale made in the course of the insurance business. |
GST-free base premium. |
$1,682 |
G3 |
This is a GST-free supply made in the course of the insurance business. |
Stamp duty on policy ($15). |
Nil |
Not applicable |
Stamp duty on insurance is not included on the activity statement. |
Payment to supplier for replacement part ($4,400). |
Nil |
Not applicable |
A decreasing adjustment does not apply to this transaction. |
. |
Excess payment from insured ($220). |
Nil |
Not applicable |
Payment is not for a supply, therefore it is not included on the activity statement. |
For accuracy and statistical purposes it is necessary to show the amounts at G1 and G3.
There is no section 78-18 increasing adjustment applicable to the excess payment from the insured. Section 78-30 applies and as the supply of insurance policy is GST-free, the acquisition is not a creditable acquisition.
Insured registered for GST - the policy is directly connected with goods or real property located offshore
The insured purchases a building and contents policy for $2,771 from a general insurer located in Australia. The insured's building and contents are located 60% locally and 40% overseas. The policy premium consisted of:
Base premium |
$2,600 |
GST on local content of policy |
$156 |
Stamp duty on policy |
$15 |
Total cost of policy |
$2,771 |
The insured has notified the insurer that they have a 30% entitlement to input tax credits on the local portion of the policy premium. A $200 excess is payable directly to the insurer for each claim made under the policy. Under the terms of the policy, the insurer in determining the payout amount can take into account the input tax credits the insured might be entitled to when it uses the settlement proceeds. The insured makes two separate claims:
- The contents of one of the overseas buildings is damaged. The damage is assessed as $A4, 202. The insurer forwards a cheque for A$4, 202 in full settlement of the claim to the insured.
- One of the local buildings is damaged. The damage is assessed as A$9, 983. The insurer forwards a cheque for A$9, 783 in full settlement of the claim to the insured.
Description of payment |
Amount shown on activity statement |
Activity statement label |
Reason |
Base premium inclusive of GST. |
$2,756 |
G1 |
Payment for a sale made in the course of the insurance business. |
GST on local portion of policy. |
$156 |
1A |
GST in respect of the sale made in the course of the insurance business. |
GST-free portion of policy. |
$1,040 |
G3 |
This is a GST-free supply made in the course of the insurance business. |
Stamp duty on policy ($15). |
Nil |
Not applicable |
Stamp duty on insurance is not included on the activity statement. |
Payment to insured ($4,202) |
Nil |
Not applicable |
A decreasing adjustment does not apply to this transaction. |
Excess payment from insured ($200). |
Nil |
Not applicable |
Payment is not for a supply, therefore it is not included on the activity statement. |
Payment to insured in full settlement of the local claim ($9,783). |
Nil |
Not applicable |
Not an acquisition. Decreasing adjustment will apply to this payment. |
Decreasing adjustment applicable to settlement payment ($9,783). |
$640 |
1B |
Amount of decreasing adjustment. |
Excess payment from insured ($200). |
Nil |
Not applicable |
Payment is not for a supply, therefore it is not included on the activity statement. |
Overseas related payout
There is no section 78-18 increasing adjustment applicable to the excess payment from the insured regarding the overseas settlement. The insurer has not made creditable acquisitions directly for the purposes of settling the claim.
Locally related payout
Decreasing adjustment (DA) calculation - partial entitlement to input tax credits
The section 78-15 decreasing adjustment is calculated as follows:
DA = 1/11th × Settlement amount × (1 − extent of input tax credit)
The settlement amount is calculated as follows:
- Step 1: The sum of the payments of money made in settlement of the claim
- plus
- Step 2: The GST-inclusive market value of the supplies (if any) made by the insurer in settlement of the claim (other than supplies that would have been taxable supplies but for section 78-25)
- minus
- Step 3: The sum of any payments of excess made to the insurer under the insurance policy in question (except to the extent that they are payments of excess to which section 78-18 applies)
- multiplied by
Step 4 |
11/(11-extent of ITC) |
Step 1 |
Step 2 |
Step 3 |
Step 4 |
Settlement amount = |
$9,783 |
+ |
0 |
− |
0 |
× |
11÷(11−0.3) |
= |
$9,783 |
+ |
0 |
− |
0 |
× |
11÷10.7 |
= |
$10,057 |
DA = |
1/11 |
× |
$10,057 |
× |
(1 − 0.3) |
= |
1/11 |
× |
$10,057 |
× |
0.7 |
= |
$640 |
Amount to be shown at 1B on the activity statement is $640.
There is no section 78-18 increasing adjustment applicable to the excess payment from the insured regarding the local settlement. The insurer has not made creditable acquisitions directly for the purposes of settling the claim.
For accuracy and statistical purposes it is necessary to show the amounts at G1 and G3.
See also:
- Purchase of insurance policy and reinstatement to the insured
- Purchase of insurance policy and cash settlement to the insured
- Purchase of insurance policy and reinstatement to third party
- Purchase of GST-free insurance policy and cash settlement to the insured
- Purchase of input taxed insurance policy and cash settlement to the insured
- Subrogation