Detailed information about GST and the property industry.
Before selling a property, find out if you can use the margin scheme and how to calculate GST.
Find out how GST applies to property sales and transactions.
How GST applies to residential property, build to rent property developments, and retirement villages.
Find out how goods and services tax (GST) applies to commercial property.
Find out when a mortgagee in possession is liable for GST on the sale of a property.
What to do when you occur an issue with valuations and our position when these issues occur.
Check if you comply with the GST at settlement process when selling or buying new residential premises.
How to complete and lodge GST property settlement forms when purchasing new residential premises or land.
What you must do when supplying new residential premises or potential residential land to receive GST property credits.
Buyers of new residential premises or potential residential land must withhold an amount and pay it to the ATO.