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About WET

Introduction to the Wine Equalisation Tax and how it has changed over time.

Published 18 March 2025

If you make wine, import wine into Australia or sell it by wholesale, you'll generally have to account for wine equalisation tax (WET).

What is WET?

WET is a tax of 29% of the wholesale value of wine. It is generally only payable if you are registered or required to be registered for GST.

It's designed to be paid on the last wholesale sale of wine, which is usually between the wholesaler and retailer. WET may apply in other circumstances – such as cellar door sales or tastings – where there hasn't been a wholesale sale.

WET is also payable on imports of wine (whether or not you are registered for GST).

Watch the below webinar for more information on how the WET system works, including:

  • assessable dealings and exemptions
  • calculating WET
  • WET credits
  • producer rebate
  • reporting requirements.


Media: WET: Back to basics Link (Duration: 57:01)

Changes to WET

From 1 October 2017, the test for whether producers are associated for the purposes of the rebate cap is applied at any time during the financial year.

From 1 July 2018:

  • the producer rebate cap for each financial year is $350,000 (reduced from $500,000)
  • tightened eligibility criteria for the producer rebate apply to all wines
  • there are reduced circumstances where you can claim a WET credit
  • you must include new information when buying wine under quote.

Some of these changes also applied from 1 January 2018 for 2018 vintage wines.

For more information on how these changes affect your business watch this webinarExternal Link.

If these changes mean that you no longer pay WET or can no longer claim WET credits, find out how to cancel your registration.
