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Capital allowances: effective life – determinations, rulings and law

Details of ATO effective life determinations, rulings, and law relating to the effective life of depreciating assets.

Last updated 18 July 2024

ATO determinations of effective life

ATO determinations of effective life are made by legislative and published on the ATO Legal Database.

Primary legislative references

Sections 40-95, 40-100 and 40-105 of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997

Taxation rulings

Effective lives were published in tables attached to taxation rulings relating to the effective life of depreciating assets. Previously, these tables were updated and revised every 6 months by an addendum to one ruling (TR 2000/18). There were several such addendums to Taxation Ruling TR 2000/18.

The publication of Taxation Ruling TR 2006/5 saw the practice of periodically updating the tables by issuing a new ruling. TR 2022/1 Income tax: effective life of depreciating assets is the last such ruling published

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