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Fuel not used in an internal combustion engine

Claim fuel tax credits if you operate a business that involve fuels not used in an internal combustion engine.

Last updated 2 April 2017

You can claim fuel tax credits if you operate a business and you use, package or supply fuels other than for use in an internal combustion engine.

If you are unable to self-assess your eligibility for any of the activities covered in this guide, you can apply for a private ruling.

Find out about what fuels you can claim fuel tax credits.

Find out about how to claim fuel tax credits for certain taxable fuels.

Find out about how to claim fuel tax credits for certain taxable fuels used as an ingredient in products made.

How to claim fuel tax credits when you package certain liquid fuels for use other than in an internal combustion engine.

How to claim fuel tax credits where you acquire, manufacture or import duty paid LPG.
