Missions and posts
You can claim a refund of any GST, WET, LCT and excise included in the price of:
- goods
- diplomatic and consular mail services
- telecommunications services
- electricity and gas services
- protection of premises services
- removal of goods
- freight and cartage
- imported and Australian-manufactured vehicles
- (GST and excise) alcohol (excluding wine), tobacco and fuel
- construction or renovation services; real property and any other thing subject to the agreement between the countries and Australia.
Privileged individuals
If you are a privileged individual (but not an administrative, technical or consular employee) at a French mission or post, you can claim a refund of any GST and LCT and excise included in the price of:
- imported vehicles purchased on or after 5 November 2013
- Australian-manufactured vehicles
- (GST and excise) alcohol (excluding wine), tobacco and fuel.