You can claim a refund of any GST, LCT, WET and excise included in the price of:
- goods
- electricity and gas services
- imported and Australian-manufactured vehicles
- construction or renovation services; real property and any other thing subject to the agreement between the countries and Australia
- (GST and excise) alcohol (excluding wine), tobacco and fuel.
Privileged individuals
You can claim a refund of any GST, LCT and WET included in the price of goods you purchase for your personal use. You can claim a refund of GST and excise included in the price of alcohol (excluding wine), tobacco and fuel.
This applies to purchases from 21 August 2008.
Administrative and technical (A&T) staff and consular employees
You can't make any claims under the minimum package except for the refund of GST and LCT included in the price of an Australian-manufactured vehicle you purchased within the first six months of your arrival in Australia.
Next step:
See also:
Tonga has a partial special package of entitlement under the Diplomatic Privileges and Immunities (ITCS) Determination 2000.