You can claim a refund on the GST included in the price you paid for services listed in your entitlement package.
Telecommunications, electricity and gas
If you pay the telecommunications, electricity and gas accounts for your privileged individuals as an official expense, you can claim any GST included in the cost. Privileged individuals can't claim the GST included in these services.
Construction and renovation
If you want to claim a refund of the GST included in the price of construction and renovation projects you undertake, you must have a separate, formal arrangement with the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFATExternal Link).
You need to start negotiations with DFAT before you contract for any construction or large renovation services.
If you have a separate construction and renovation agreement, you may be able to claim a refund of the GST included in the cost of any construction and renovation projects. Generally, you can claim if:
- the total cost of the project is A$10,000 or more
- the project is for the embassy, high commission or the head of mission’s residence in Canberra.
You can't claim for:
- consular posts
- international organisations
- other residential premises you own for staff use.
When claiming a refund of the GST included in the price of construction and renovation projects, you must identify the project and the total cost of the project.
Protection of premises
You can claim refunds of the GST included in the cost of services provided to protect premises for your official use. For example, you can claim:
- payments to security guards
- remote monitoring of electronic security systems or line monitoring.
When we say official use, we mean protecting official premises of the mission or post and the head of mission residence you told DFAT about. We don't mean protecting staff residences.
You can't claim for:
- replacing doors, gates or door locks (these are repairs and maintenance or property maintenance and are not covered by the ITCS)
- servicing fire alarms
- purchasing, installing or maintaining security systems.
Repairs and maintenance
You can't claim a refund for GST you pay for:
- property maintenance services
- insurance
- repairs
- maintaining gardens
- services to repair and maintain other goods
- maintenance and repairs to motor vehicles.
Even if you ask the service provider to invoice you separately for the material or parts they use in the repair or maintenance, you can't claim a refund.
Removal of goods services
If you pay the cost for the removal of goods services for official use, you can claim GST included in the cost.
It does not include:
- storage costs
- garbage (rubbish) services
- removal of garden refuse or other rubbish
Freight and cartage other than removal of goods
If you pay the cost for the freight and cartage other than removal of goods for official use, you can claim GST included in the cost.
Next step:
You may be eligible to claim for GST included in the price you paid for services for official use, but only if they are listed in your entitlement package.