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Fish and seafood retailing – fresh

Check the performance benchmarks for fresh fish and seafood retailers.

Last updated 16 March 2025

Businesses in this industry

Businesses in this industry sell fresh and frozen fish and other seafood products. They may also sell takeaway sushi and cooked fish and chips.

What are performance benchmarks

Performance benchmarks use information reported on tax returns for the 2022–23 financial year and are updated each year. This is the most current data.

The benchmarks show ranges of business income to business expenses. Use these benchmarks to compare your performance against similar businesses.

Key benchmark range

Cost of sales to turnover is the key benchmark range for this industry. It is the most accurate when predicting business turnover. If you don't report cost of sales, or only report a small amount, use total expenses to turnover as your key benchmark range instead.

You should fall within the key benchmark range for your annual turnover. If you fall outside the range for your industry, your business may have room to improve.

Check that you have reported all income and accounted for any trading stock used for private purposes. Some businesses can use accepted amounts as estimates for the value of trading stock used for private purposes.

2022–23 benchmarks

Key benchmarks for 2022–23

Annual turnover range

$65,000 – $500,000

$500,001 – $1,000,000

More than $1,000,000

'Cost of sales' divided by 'Annual turnover'

59% to 67%

56% to 67%

64% to 73%

Average cost of sales




'Total expenses' divided by 'Annual turnover'

80% to 89%

87% to 93%

90% to 94%

Average total expenses




Other benchmarks

Not all expenses are reported by every business. Only use this information as a guide if it applies to your business.

Other benchmarks for 2022–23

Annual turnover range

$65,000 – $500,000

$500,001 – $1,000,000

More than $1,000,000

'Rent' divided by 'Annual turnover'

5% to 11%

7% to 9%

3% to 6%

'Motor vehicle expenses' divided by 'Annual turnover'

2% to 4%

1% to 2%


For benchmarks for previous years, see Small business benchmarksExternal Link.
