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Tiling services – floor and wall

Check the performance and input benchmarks for floor and wall tiling businesses.

Last updated 13 March 2024

Businesses in this industry

Businesses in this industry lay floor and wall tiles on internal and external surfaces. They may also lay ceramic, clay, slate, marble and glass tiles, and offer floor sanding services.

What are performance benchmarks

Performance benchmarks use information reported on tax returns for the 2021–22 financial year and are updated each year. This is the most current data.

The benchmarks show ranges of business income to business expenses. Use these benchmarks to compare your performance against similar businesses.

Key benchmark range

Total expenses to turnover is the key benchmark range for this industry. It is the most accurate when predicting business turnover.

You should fall within the key benchmark range for your annual turnover. If you fall outside the range, there may be room for your business to improve.

Check you reported all income and accounted for any trading stock used for private purposes. Some businesses can use accepted amounts as estimates for the value of trading stock used for private purposes.

2021–22 benchmarks

Key benchmarks for 2021–22

Annual turnover range

$50,000 – $150,000

$150,001 – $600,000

More than $600,000

'Total expenses' divided by 'Annual turnover'

37% to 54%

57% to 74%

82% to 91%

Average total expenses




Other benchmarks

Not all expenses are reported by every business. Only use this information as a guide if it applies to your business.

Other benchmarks for 2021–22

Annual turnover range

$50,000 – $150,000

$150,001 – $600,000

More than $600,000

'Cost of sales' divided by 'Annual turnover'

12% to 19%

14% to 21%

16% to 25%

'Motor vehicle expenses' divided by 'Annual turnover'

7% to 10%

4% to 6%

2% to 3%

For benchmarks for previous years, see Small business benchmarksExternal Link.

Input benchmarks

Use these input benchmarks to calculate the expected income based on the labour and materials used.

They apply to tilers who:

  • work directly with household customers
  • are responsible for purchasing their own materials.

We developed the benchmarks with advice from the Australian Tile Council and trade participants. They represent the industry norm.

Consider your own personal circumstances when using the input benchmarks to assess your situation.

These benchmarks are current as at April 2015.

To give feedback on the usefulness of these input benchmarks, email us at

Input benchmark guide

You can use this benchmark to compare and check your business performance to the tiling industry average.

All dollar amounts include GST. Prices charged may vary between states and regions.

Input benchmarks for tilers

Coverage rate (square metres) for every 100 square metres of tiles ordered allowing for wastage

90 to 95

Materials charge per square metres (grout, glue and incidentals)

$10 to $15

Average job size (square metres)


Average completion rate (square metres) per day – one tradesperson

7 to 10

Days to complete average job (see note 1) (including grout, glue, cutting, measuring and set-up) – one tradesperson

5 to 7

Days to complete average job (see note 1) (including grout, glue, cutting, measuring and set-up) – 2 tradespeople

3 to 4

Price charged per square metre – labour only

$30 to $55

Note 1: Add one day for large tiles.

Sales turnover

Use this benchmark to:

  • estimate your income
  • compare your income against the tiling industry average
  • check that your records accurately reflect your income.


  • All dollar amounts include GST.
  • Includes charges to client to supply excess tiles ordered to cover wastage.
  • If sales turnover includes labour and material, add $40 to $100 per square metre for cost of tiles.
Sales turnover – income guide per tradesperson

Income guide

One tradesperson

2 tradespeople

Square metres installed per year



Price charged per square metre – labour only

$30 to $55

$30 to $55

Price charged per square metre – labour and materials (grout, glue etc.)

$40 to $70

$40 to $70

Sales turnover range – labour install only

$66,000 to $121,000

$109,500 to $200,750

Sales turnover range – labour and materials

$88,000 to $154,000

$146,000 to $255,500

Average labour charge per day

$250 to $550 per tradesperson

$250 to $550 per tradesperson

Average job size (square metres)



Jobs completed per year



Days to complete average job



Days worked per year



Tiling services examples

This example shows how to work out if your income is within the benchmarks.

Example: Income within the benchmarks

Cyrus runs a tiling business and has one sub-contractor working for him. They work on household jobs, supplying labour and materials (including glue, grout and incidentals).

Cyrus normally charges $65 per square metre for basic wall and floor tiling, which includes $50 per square metre for labour and $15 per square metre for materials. Cyrus reviews his quote books and finds he has laid about 3,600 square metres of tiles.

Cyrus calculates he has charged his clients $54,000 for materials and $180,000 for labour. This is a total income of $234,000

Cyrus's records show reported income of $230,000, which is within the benchmarks and close to his estimate. He is happy with his record keeping.

End of example

This example shows a way to work out why your income is outside the benchmarks.

Example: Income less than expected

Lachlan, a sole trader, has a wall and floor tiling business and only provides installation. He normally charges $50 per square metre for his labour and $10 per square metre for materials. Lachlan usually lays 10 square metres per day which is gross sales of $600 per day on average.

Checking his business records, Lachlan finds he has recorded income of $96,000 for his labour and materials for the year.

Using his benchmark earnings of $600 per day, Lachlan estimates he would have worked 160 days to earn $96,000. However, Lachlan has had a busy year and is sure he worked more than that.

He reviews his quote books and finds 12 jobs where he was paid cash. He charged $36,000 for these jobs. Lachlan recalculates his income for the year to $132,000, which is within the benchmarks. Lachlan asks his bookkeeper for advice on keeping better records.

End of example

