Doing business in Australia or overseas
Detailed information about doing business in Australia or overseas.
How a targeted anti-avoidance law that came into effect on 1 January 2016 will combat tax avoidance by multinationals.
The DPT aims to ensure that tax SGEs pay reflects their activities in Australia and prevents diverting profits offshore.
What you need to know about the way tax applies to income you receive from conducting business activities in Australia.
Outlines your tax obligations in Australia if you are an Australian resident doing business overseas.
If you or your business exports goods and services overseas, find out how Australian tax applies to you.
Check if your transaction between overseas businesses and Australian businesses is still subject to GST.
Offshore sellers of Australian commercial accommodation need to register for Australian goods and services tax (GST).
Requesting a mutual agreement procedure (MAP) to address potential taxation not in accordance with a tax treaty.
What you need to know about providing services in Australia.
Your Australian tax obligations when importing goods into Australia with or without having a physical presence here.