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IRPD service arrangements

How to report IRPD service arrangements.

Last updated 4 July 2023

For reporting of service arrangements with IRPs, a service arrangement is one that is based on the performance of work by one party for the benefit of another party (refer to Employers Mutual Indemnity Association Ltd v. Federal Commissioner of Taxation [1943] HCA 36; (1943) 68 CLR 165 per Latham CJ at 174). The arrangement may be formal or informal. The reporting entity may be the customer or the provider of the service.

The following kinds of services, for which the service fees or other consideration for the services are royalties, are not included in the transaction category for IRPD service arrangements outlined below:

  • the supply of assistance ancillary and subsidiary to, and furnished as a means of enabling application or enjoyment of use of the following kinds of rights, equipment, knowledge or information  
    • a licence or other use or right to use intellectual property such as trademarks or patents
    • the use or right to use industrial, commercial or scientific equipment
    • the supply of scientific, technical, industrial or commercial knowledge or information.   

These kinds of services are instead included in the transaction category of royalties and are covered in these instructions as part of IRPD Use Rights.

Table 5: IRPD service arrangements


Description of transaction category


Treasury-related services

Any IRPDs in the nature of Treasury-related services in the managing of financial operations, including:

  • transaction, investment and information services relating to securities, financial assets, financial liabilities, portfolios and/or other assets held by the reporting entity or an international related party
  • the generation of internal and external funding
  • risk management systems development and review
  • the management of currencies and cash flows
  • complex strategies, policies and procedures relating to financial operations.



Management and administration services

Any IRPDs in the nature of management and administration services, that:

  • involve or relate to the control, facilitation, and monitoring of human resources (staffing) and financial resources (assets)
  • relate to administering the day to day business operations, including  
    • back office services
    • administrative services associated with employee share-based plans/recharge amounts
    • accounting services.

Administration services exclude transactions relating to financing, marketing or production.


Insurance services

Any IRPDs in the nature of insurance services in the management of insurance contracts (predominantly undertaken through intermediaries). Effectively, the expenditure and revenue will represent intermediaries' commissions for providing an insurance management type service (for example, placement of the insurance portfolio to a third party or providing back office functions).

Any premiums or other expenditure incurred or revenue earned or derived in relation to insurance contracts with international related parties should be shown for the transaction category Insurance.


Reinsurance services

Any IRPDs in the nature of reinsurance services in the management of reinsurance contracts (predominantly undertaken through intermediaries). Effectively, the expenditure and revenue will represent intermediaries' commissions for providing an insurance management type service in relation to reinsurance contracts (for example, placement of the insurance portfolio to a third party or providing back office functions).

Any premiums or other expenditure incurred or revenue earned or derived in relation to reinsurance contracts with international related parties should be shown for the transaction category Reinsurance.


Research and development services

Any IRPDs in the nature of research and development services that are activities associated with the undertaking of research and development services on behalf of a contracting party on a systematic basis in order to develop intellectual property, where the entity providing the research and development services does not take title to any resultant intellectual property created in the provision of the service.


Sales and marketing services

Any IRPDs in the nature of sales and marketing services.

Sales services include:

  • provision of services to facilitate the sale of goods or services
  • transaction, investment and information services carried out on behalf of customers relating to the customer’s securities, financial assets, financial liabilities, portfolios and/or other assets.

Marketing services include activities that involve acquiring new customers or businesses and maintaining a relationship with them, including:

  • advertising
  • brand promotion
  • sales strategies
  • customer support services.



Software and IT services

Any IRPDs in the nature of providing the support and maintenance of software and technology.

Transactions relating to the ownership of the software and technology are excluded, such as leasing and rental fees.


Technical services

Any IRPDs in the nature of technical services that are associated with engineering, architecture, design, project management and mining exploration.


Logistics services

Any IRPDs in the nature of logistics services that are related to transport, freight, storage, scheduling, sourcing and procurement.


Asset management services

Any IRPDs in the nature of asset management services that are associated with the management of assets, funds or investments undertaken on a discretionary basis in accordance with an investment strategy, with the provider of the services responsible for both of the following:

  • acquiring, monitoring, managing and disposing of traditional and non-traditional financial products
  • assessing, monitoring and managing the market risks associated with holding the financial products.



Other services

Any IRPDs in the nature of services that are not covered by any of the following transaction categories:

  • Treasury-related services
  • management and administration services
  • insurance services
  • reinsurance services
  • research and development services
  • sales and marketing services
  • software and IT services
  • technical services
  • logistics services
  • asset management services.


Any amounts provided at any of the below questions should be reported in whole dollars and cents.

  1. Transaction Identifier

Show the Transaction ID for the transaction being reported.


  1. Related Transaction Identifier(s)

Show all Transaction IDs that are related or directly connected to the transaction being reported.


  1. What is the transaction category?

Select the transaction category for the IRPD transaction.


  1. Is this transaction part of a RAS?

If this transaction is covered by an IRPD agreement in a RAS, indicate True.

Otherwise indicate False. (LCMSF33)

  1. How many transactions are part of the RAS?

If the transaction is part of a RAS, indicate the applicable range for the number of the transactions in the same RAS that were current during the income year:

  • Low (2–5)
  • Moderate (6–50)
  • High (51 or more)


  1. Australian counterparty name

Show the full name of the Australian counterparty (which may be the reporting entity itself) to this transaction/RAS.


  1. ABN or TFN of the Australian counterparty to the transaction/RAS

Show the ABN or TFN or both of the Australian counterparty (which may be the reporting entity itself) to the transaction/RAS.

(LCMSF83 and LCMSF84)

  1. Name of the IRP non-resident counterparty to the transaction/RAS

Show the full name of the IRP non-resident counterparty to this type of IRPD.

The full name to be shown is the complete name of the IRP non-resident counterparty entity. While this would be expected to usually correspond with the name of the relevant party in any associated written agreement documentation, the full correct name of the entity should be shown at Part A even if this is not exactly the same as the name used in any associated written agreement documentation.


  1. Tax residency of the IRP non-resident counterparty to the transaction/RAS

Show the country code for the country of tax residence of the IRP non-resident counterparty to this transaction/RAS.


  1. Was the transaction/RAS entered into by the non-resident counterparty in the course of its business operations carried on through a permanent establishment in a different country to its country of tax residence?

Indicate True if the transaction/RAS was entered into by the non-resident counterparty in the course of its business operations carried on through a PE in a different country to its country of tax residence.

Otherwise indicate False.


  1. Country of permanent establishment of non-resident country

This question applies only if you answer True to Question 10.

Show the country code of the PE through which the non-resident counterparty entered into the transaction/RAS. This code must not be the same as the code reported at Question 9 (LCMSF38) for the country of tax residence of the non-resident counterparty.


  1. Amount of consideration paid (of a capital nature for income tax purposes) for the transaction/RAS

If an amount of a capital nature was paid by the reporting entity in connection with this transaction/RAS during the income year, show this amount based on the reporting entity’s accounting records.

Show zero if no amount of a capital nature was paid by the reporting entity in connection with this transaction/RAS during the income year.


  1. Amount of consideration received (of a capital nature for income tax purposes) for the transaction/RAS

If an amount of a capital nature was received by the reporting entity in connection with this transaction/RAS during the income year, show this amount based on the reporting entity’s accounting records.

Show zero if no amount of a capital nature was received by the reporting entity in connection with this transaction/RAS during the income year.


  1. Was non-monetary consideration provided (of a capital nature for income tax purposes) for the transaction/RAS?

Indicate True if non-monetary consideration of a capital nature was provided by the reporting entity in connection with this transaction/RAS during the income year.

Otherwise indicate False.


  1. Was non-monetary consideration obtained (of a capital nature for income tax purposes) for the transaction/RAS?

Indicate True if non-monetary consideration of a capital nature was obtained by the reporting entity in connection with this transaction/RAS during the income year.

Otherwise indicate False.


  1. Amount of expenditure (not of a capital nature for income tax purposes) for the transaction/RAS

Show the amount of expenditure not of a capital nature for income tax purposes in connection with this transaction/RAS during the income year based on the reporting entity’s accounting records.

Show zero if there was no amount of expenditure not of a capital nature in connection with this transaction/RAS during the income year.


  1. Amount of revenue (not of a capital nature for income tax purposes) for the transaction/RAS

Show the amount of revenue not of a for income tax purposes in connection with this transaction/RAS during the income year based on the reporting entity’s accounting records.

Show zero if there was no amount of revenue not of a capital nature in connection with this transaction/RAS during the income year.


  1. Average balance of debt interests issued (Inbound Borrowings)

Not applicable.


  1. Capitalised interest deducted

Not applicable.


  1. Average balance of debt interests held (Outbound Loans)

Not applicable.


  1. Capitalised interest returned

Not applicable.


  1. Book values

Not applicable.


  1. Was non-monetary consideration provided (not of a capital nature for income tax purposes) for the transaction/RAS?

Indicate True if non-monetary consideration not of a capital nature for income tax purposes was provided by the reporting entity in connection with this transaction/RAS during the income year.

Otherwise indicate False.


  1. Was non-monetary consideration obtained (not of a capital nature for income tax purposes) for the transaction/RAS?

Indicate True if non-monetary consideration not of a capital nature for income tax purposes was obtained by the reporting entity in connection with this transaction/RAS during the income year.

Otherwise indicate False.


  1. Is the debt interest (including borrowing/loan) interest-free?

Not applicable


  1. Did you enter into a deferred foreign currency payment arrangement in relation to this transaction?

Indicate True if you have entered into a foreign currency deferred payment arrangement in relation to this transaction.

Otherwise indicate False.


  1. Foreign Currency Reporting type

This question applies only if you answered True to Question 26.

Indicate the type of foreign currency deferred payment arrangement entered into:

1 = short term foreign currency deferred payment arrangements

2 = longer term foreign currency deferred payment arrangements

If you have indicated 1, then you only need to provide the Foreign Currency CodeExternal Link at Question28.

If you have indicated 2, then you need to provide the Foreign Currency CodeExternal Link at Question 28 and report the relevant associated IRPD foreign currency deferred payment arrangements transaction.


  1. Foreign Currency Code

This question applies only if you answered True to Question 26 and indicated that you entered into a short term or longer term foreign currency deferred payment arrangement at Question 27.

Show the Foreign Currency CodeExternal Link applicable to the foreign currency deferred payment arrangement.


  1. Amount of foreign exchange losses deducted for the transaction/RAS

Not applicable


  1. Foreign Currency Code

Not applicable


  1. Amount of foreign exchange gains returned for the transaction/RAS

Not applicable


  1. Foreign Currency Code

Not applicable


  1. What transfer pricing/capital asset pricing methodology has been applied to this transaction/RAS?

Select the code UNKT (Unknown TP Method) if the reporting entity does not know which transfer pricing methodology has been applied to this transaction/RAS.

Select UNKC (Unknown CAP Method) if the reporting entity does not know which capital asset pricing methodology has been applied to this transaction/RAS.


  1. What level of transfer pricing documentation has been prepared for this transaction/RAS?

The level of transfer pricing documentation refers to the aggregate dollar amount of this transaction/RAS for which the reporting entity has prepared relevant transfer pricing documentation, expressed as a percentage of total dollar value of this transaction/RAS.

1 = 0%

2 = 1% to less than 25%

3 = 25% to less than 50%

4 = 50% to less than 75%

5 = 75% to less than 100%

6 = 100%

If this transaction/RAS meets the conditions for any of the following show the code(s) for the STPRK option and/or Green Zone which applied to the transaction/RAS:

7 = STPRK (Materiality)

8 = STPRK (Small Taxpayers)

9 = STPRK (Distributors)

10 = STPRK (Low Value Adding Intra-Group Services) *

12 = STPRK (Technical Services)

15 = Green Zone (PCG 2017/1)

Note: for income years beginning on or after 1 July 2019, the STPRK option relating to Management & Administration Services is no longer applicable. This option has been consolidated into the new STPRK option relating to Low value adding intra-group services; i.e. STPRK (Low Value Adding Intra-Group Services)

If this transaction/RAS meets the conditions for the STPRK option relating to Low value adding intra-group services, show code 10 to indicate that this option has been applied to the transaction/RAS.


  1. If the reporting entity is a bank and this transaction is in a RAS, has the special short-term tenor rule for ordinary borrowings and ordinary loans been applied to this RAS?

Always indicate False if the transaction category is not ordinary borrowings and ordinary loans.


  1. If the reporting entity is a bank and this transaction is in a RAS, has the special short-term tenor rule for short term derivatives been applied to this RAS?

Always indicate False if the transaction category is not derivatives.


  1. If the reporting entity is a bank and this transaction is in a RAS, has the special rule for FX derivatives been applied to this RAS?

Always indicate False if the transaction category is not derivatives.


  1. If the reporting entity is an OBU, is this transaction/RAS an OB activity?

If the reporting entity is an OBU and this transaction/RAS is an OB activity under sections 121D and 121EAA of the ITAA 1936, indicate True.

Otherwise indicate False.


  1. Is this transaction/RAS covered by a category on the Exclusions List?

If this transaction/RAS is covered by one of the following categories on the exclusions list, indicate True.

Note: for income years beginning on or after 1 July 2019, the STPRK option relating to Management & Administration Services is no longer applicable. This option has been consolidated into the new STPRK option relating to Low value adding intra-group services: i.e. STPRKLVS – Simplified Transfer Pricing Record Keeping (Low Value Adding Intra-Group Services).

If this transaction/RAS meets the conditions for the STPRK option relating to Low value adding intra-group services, indicate True for this question, and select STPRKLVS at question 39.

Otherwise indicate False.


  1. What category of the Exclusions List applies to this transaction/RAS?

If you have indicated True to Question 39, select the category on the exclusions list which applies to this transaction/RAS.


  1. Transaction Comments

Provide any relevant comments in respect of the transaction/RAS.

You must provide a short description if the kind of transaction being reported is OS (Other services).


Reporting examples: IRPD service arrangements

Example 4: Sales and marketing services provided by Singapore IRP

The facts are the same as the facts in Example 1.

Singapore Co has entered into agreements with Aus Co to provide services in relation to the sales and marketing of iron ore to third party customers, including customer support services.

Singapore Co provided services to Aus Co in 18 individual service transactions during the income year. All the services Singapore Co provided to Aus Co were of the same kind and were provided under agreements with Aus Co on the same terms except for date, price, volume and delivery. The individual service transactions are therefore in the same RAS in accordance with Appendix 8.

All the services Singapore Co provided to Aus Co fall within the Sales and marketing services transaction category.

The fees and commissions payable by Aus Co to Singapore Co for these services was payable in Australian dollars. The aggregate service fees and commissions payable by Aus Co to Singapore Co for these services for the income year was A$17 million as shown in Aus Co’s accounting records.

Aus Co did not pay or obtain any consideration of a capital nature in relation to the provision of the services by Singapore Co.

Aus Co did not receive or obtain any non-monetary consideration in relation to the provision of the services by Singapore Co.

Aus Co has applied the transfer pricing methodology ‘Cost plus method’ to this transaction/RAS.

Aus Co has prepared relevant contemporaneous transfer pricing documentation for 100% of this transaction/RAS.

The total amount deducted in the income year by Aus Co in connection with this services transaction/RAS is not less than A$2 million or less than 2% of Aus Co’s total IRPD expenses, so the transaction/RAS does not satisfy the category of ‘Low value/low risk services agreements’ on the exclusions list.

Aus Co completes the questions for the services transaction/RAS in this example based on its accounting records as shown in the following table. 

Table 6: Completed entry for Example 4 – Provision of services by Singapore IRP (Sales and marketing services)
Table 6: Completed entry for Example 4 – Provision of services by Singapore IRP (Sales and marketing services)

Question no.

Question label



Transaction Identifier

[Transaction ID]


Related Transaction Identifier(s)

[Transaction IDs for TPRN transactions in Table 2 in Example 1]


Transaction category



Is this transaction part of a RAS?



How many transactions are part of the RAS?



Australian counterparty name

[Australian counterparty name]


ABN or TFN of the Australian counterparty to the transaction/RAS

[ABN or TFN]


Name of the IRP non-resident counterparty to the transaction/RAS

Singapore Co


Tax residence of the IRP non-resident counterparty to the transaction/RAS



Was the transaction/RAS entered into by the non-resident counterparty in the course of its business operations carried on through a permanent establishment in a different country to its country of tax residence?



Country of permanent establishment counterparty



Amount of consideration paid (of a capital nature for income tax purposes) for the transaction/RAS



Amount of consideration received (of a capital nature for income tax purposes) for the transaction/RAS



Was non-monetary consideration provided (of a capital nature for income tax purposes) for the transaction/RAS?



Was non-monetary consideration obtained (of a capital nature for income tax purposes) for the transaction/RAS?



Amount of expenditure (not of a capital nature for income tax purposes) for the transaction/RAS



Amount of revenue (not of a capital nature for income tax purposes) for the transaction/RAS



Average balance of debt interests issued (Inbound Borrowings)



Capitalised interest deducted



Average balance of debt interests held (Outbound loans)



Capitalised interest returned



Book values



Was non-monetary consideration provided (not of a capital nature for income tax purposes) for the transaction/RAS?



Was non-monetary consideration obtained (not of a capital nature for income tax purposes) for the transaction/RAS?



Is the debt interest (including borrowing/loan) interest-free?



Did you enter into a deferred foreign currency payment arrangement in relation to this transaction



Foreign Currency Reporting Type



Foreign Currency Code



Amount of foreign exchange losses deducted for the transaction/RAS



Foreign Currency Code



Amount of foreign exchange gains returned for the transaction/RAS



Foreign Currency Code



What transfer pricing/capital asset pricing methodology has been applied to the transaction/RAS?



What level of transfer pricing documentation has been prepared for this transaction/RAS?



If the reporting entity is a bank and transaction is in a RAS, has the special short-term tenor rule for ordinary borrowings and ordinary loans been applied to this RAS?



If the reporting entity is a bank and this transaction is in a RAS, has the special short-term tenor rule for short term derivatives been applied to this RAS?



If the reporting entity is a bank and this transaction is in a RAS, has the special rule for FX derivatives been applied to this RAS?



If the reporting entity is an OBU, is this transaction/RAS an OB activity?



Is this transaction/RAS covered by a category on the Exclusions List?



What category of the Exclusions List applies to this transaction/RAS?



Transaction Comments



End of example


Example 5: R&D and other services provided to Swiss IRP

Aus Co is a company resident in Australia for tax purposes.

Aus Co has an income tax year ending 30 June.

Aus Co’s functional currency for Australian tax purposes is Australian dollars

During the income year, Aus Co via agreement (the Agreement), assigned its beneficial interest in certain patents to an IRP resident for tax purposes in Switzerland (Swiss Co) for A$100 million.

Under the Agreement, Swiss Co granted Aus Co a non-exclusive licence for 10 years to use the same patents for:

  • an upfront payment of A$10 million
  • an annual licence fee of A$5 million.

Under the Agreement, Aus Co agreed to provide services to Swiss Co in relation to the development of new technology and patents.

There was a current agreement, entered into prior to the income year, under which Aus Co was granted a non-exclusive right to use trademarks by an IRP resident for tax purposes in Ireland (Irish Co), for a licence fee of US$15 million per annum.

All the services provided by Aus Co to Swiss Co during the income year under the Agreement fall within the transaction category Research and development services.

The service fees payable to Aus Co by Swiss Co for these R&D services was payable in Australian dollars. The aggregate service fees payable by Swiss Co for these R&D services for the income year was A$8 million as shown in Aus Co’s accounting records.

The total amount returned in the income year by Aus Co in connection with this R&D services transaction/RAS is not less than A$2 million or less than 2% of Aus Co’s total IRPD revenue, so the R&D services transaction/RAS does not satisfy the category of ‘Low value/low risk services agreements’ on the exclusions list.

Aus Co has also entered into a separate agreement with Swiss Co under which Aus Co provides Swiss Co with customer support services in connection with products sold by Swiss Co to Australian customers.

All the customer support services provided by Aus Co to Swiss Co during the income year under this separate agreement fall within the Sales and marketing services transaction category.

The service fees payable to Aus Co by Swiss Co for these sales and marketing services was payable in Australian dollars. The aggregate service fees payable to Aus Co by Swiss Co for these sales and marketing services for the income year was A$1 million as shown in Aus Co’s accounting records.

The total amount returned in the income year by Aus Co for amounts payable by Swiss Co for sales and marketing services is less than A$2 million. These sales and marketing services were not provided in connection with:

  • the use or enjoyment of any trademark, patent, design, copyright, other intellectual property, secret formula or process or similar property or rights, or
  • any other IRP agreement.

The separate agreement under which Aus Co provides Swiss Co with the customer support services solely covers:

  • the provision or receipt of services
  • rights and obligations in connection with effecting the provision or receipt of the services.

The sales and marketing services transaction/RAS therefore satisfies the category of 'Low value/low risk services agreements' on the exclusions list.

The R&D services provided by Aus Co to Swiss Co and the sales and marketing services provided by Aus Co to Swiss Co cannot be included in the same RAS because the services provided are not the same kind of services. For more information about when IRP transactions are covered by agreements that can be included in the same RAS, refer to Appendix 8.

Aus Co did not pay or obtain any consideration of a capital nature in relation to the provision of any of the services it provides to Swiss Co.

Aus Co did not receive or obtain any non-monetary consideration in relation to the provision of any of the services it provides to Swiss Co.

Aus Co has applied the transfer pricing methodology ‘Cost plus method’ to both the R&D services transaction/RAS and the sales and marketing services transaction/RAS.

Aus Co has prepared relevant contemporaneous transfer pricing documentation for 100% of the R&D services transaction/RAS and the sales and marketing services transaction/RAS.

Aus Co did not enter into any deferred foreign currency payment arrangements.

Neither Swiss Co nor Irish Co carry on their business operations through a permanent establishment.

Aus Co completes the Questions for the services transactions/RAS in this example based on its accounting records as shown in the following tables. 

In accordance with the instructions for IRPDs involving IRPD Use rights, Aus Co also completes the Questions for the Rights to Use IP (RUIP) transaction for the connected licence of the patents from Swiss Co, as shown in Table 12 of Example 7.

In accordance with the instructions for IRPDs involving disposal or acquisition of intangible property or rights, Aus Co also completes the Questions for the Assignment of IP (ASIP) transaction for the connected assignment of the patents to Swiss Co, as shown in Table 56 of Example 16.

Table 7: Completed entry for Example 5 – Provision of services to Swiss IRP (R&D services)
Table 7: Completed entry for Example 5 – Provision of services to Swiss IRP (R&D services)

Question no.

Question label



Transaction Identifier

[Transaction ID]


Related Transaction Identifier(s)

[Transaction IDs for RUIP transaction in Table 12 of Example 7 and ASIP transaction in Table 56 of Example 16]


Transaction category



Is this transaction part of a RAS?



How many transactions are part of the RAS?



Australian counterparty name

[Australian counterparty name]


ABN or TFN of the Australian counterparty to the transaction/RAS

[ABN or TFN]


Name of the IRP non-resident counterparty to the transaction/RAS

Swiss Co


Tax residence of the IRP non-resident counterparty to the transaction/RAS



Was the transaction/ RAS entered into by the non-resident counterparty in the course of its business operations carried on through a permanent establishment in a different country to its country of tax residence?



Country of permanent establishment counterparty



Amount of consideration paid (of a capital nature for income tax purposes) for the transaction/RAS



Amount of consideration received (of a capital nature for income tax purposes) for the transaction/RAS



Was non-monetary consideration provided (of a capital nature for income tax purposes) for the transaction/RAS?



Was non-monetary consideration obtained (of a capital nature for income tax purposes) for the transaction/RAS?



Amount of expenditure (not of a capital nature for income tax purposes) for the transaction/RAS



Amount of revenue (not of a capital nature for income tax purposes) for the transaction/RAS



Average balance of debt interests issued (Inbound Borrowings)



Capitalised interest deducted



Average balance of debt interests held (Outbound loans)



Capitalised interest returned



Book values



Was non-monetary consideration provided (not of a capital nature for income tax purposes) for the transaction/RAS?



Was non-monetary consideration obtained (not of a capital nature for income tax purposes) for the transaction/RAS?



Is the debt interest (including borrowing/loan) interest-free?



Did you enter into a deferred foreign currency payment arrangement in relation to this transaction



Foreign Currency Reporting Type



Foreign Currency Code



Amount of foreign exchange losses deducted for the transaction/RAS



Foreign Currency Code



Amount of foreign exchange gains returned for the transaction/RAS



Foreign Currency Code



What transfer pricing/capital asset pricing methodology has been applied to the transaction/RAS?



What level of transfer pricing documentation has been prepared for this transaction/RAS?



If the reporting entity is a bank and transaction is in a RAS, has the special short-term tenor rule for ordinary borrowings and ordinary loans been applied to this RAS?



If the reporting entity is a bank and this transaction is in a RAS, has the special short-term tenor rule for short term derivatives been applied to this RAS?



If the reporting entity is a bank and this transaction is in a RAS, has the special rule for FX derivatives been applied to this RAS?



If the reporting entity is an OBU, is this transaction/RAS an OB activity?



Is this transaction/RAS covered by a category on the Exclusions List?



What category of the Exclusions List applies to this transaction/RAS?



Transaction Comments



Table 8: Completed entry for Example 5 – Provision of services to Swiss IRP (Sales & marketing services)
Table 8: Completed entry for Example 5 – Provision of services to Swiss IRP (Sales & marketing services)

Question no.

Question label



Transaction Identifier

[Transaction ID]


Related Transaction Identifier(s)

[Transaction IDs]


Transaction category



Is this transaction part of a RAS?



How many transactions are part of the RAS?



Australian counterparty name

[Australian counterparty name]


ABN or TFN of the Australian counterparty to the transaction/RAS

[ABN or TFN]


Name of the IRP non-resident counterparty to the transaction/RAS

Swiss Co


Tax residence of the IRP non-resident counterparty to the transaction/RAS



Was the transaction/RAS entered into by the non-resident counterparty in the course of its business operations carried on through a permanent establishment in a different country to its country of tax residence?



Country of permanent establishment counterparty



Amount of consideration paid (of a capital nature for income tax purposes) for the transaction/RAS



Amount of consideration received (of a capital nature for income tax purposes) for the transaction/RAS



Was non-monetary consideration provided (of a capital nature for income tax purposes) for the transaction/RAS?



Was non-monetary consideration obtained (of a capital nature for income tax purposes) for the transaction/RAS?



Amount of expenditure (not of a capital nature for income tax purposes) for the transaction/RAS



Amount of revenue (not of a capital nature for income tax purposes) for the transaction/RAS



Average balance of debt interests issued (Inbound Borrowings)



Capitalised interest deducted



Average balance of debt interests held (Outbound loans)



Capitalised interest returned



Book values



Was non-monetary consideration provided (not of a capital nature for income tax purposes) for the transaction/RAS?



Was non-monetary consideration obtained (not of a capital nature for income tax purposes) for the transaction/RAS?



Is the debt interest (including borrowing/loan) interest-free?



Did you enter into a deferred foreign currency payment arrangement in relation to this transaction



Foreign Currency Reporting Type



Foreign Currency Code



Amount of foreign exchange losses deducted for the transaction/RAS



Foreign Currency Code



Amount of foreign exchange gains returned for the transaction/RAS



Foreign Currency Code



What transfer pricing/capital asset pricing methodology has been applied to the transaction/RAS?



What level of transfer pricing documentation has been prepared for this transaction/RAS?



If the reporting entity is a bank and transaction is in a RAS, has the special short-term tenor rule for ordinary borrowings and ordinary loans been applied to this RAS?



If the reporting entity is a bank and this transaction is in a RAS, has the special short-term tenor rule for short term derivatives been applied to this RAS?



If the reporting entity is a bank and this transaction is in a RAS, has the special rule for FX derivatives been applied to this RAS?



If the reporting entity is an OBU, is this transaction/RAS an OB activity?



Is this transaction/RAS covered by a category on the Exclusions List?



What category of the Exclusions List applies to this transaction/RAS?



Transaction Comments



End of example


Example 6: Procurement services from Singapore IRP with grant of rights to use IP for zero monetary consideration

The facts are the same as Example 2.

Aus Co also manufactures a range of premium homewares and kitchen goods.

AusCo created and owns some patents and trademarks in connection with the manufacture and sale of the homewares and kitchen goods.

AusCo also licensed the use of patents and other intellectual property from its ultimate UK parent company. 

During the income year, the global group undertakes a restructure implementing its 'global principal model', including setting up a 'regional hub' in Singapore. 

In connection with this restructure:

  • Aus Co's licence from the UK parent company was terminated
  • Aus Co is said to continue its manufacturing operations in a new capacity as 'toll manufacturer' remunerated by the UK parent company with a percentage margin above its costs of manufacturing
  • UK parent company assigns legal title to various patents to Singapore Co 
  • Aus Co enters into a 'procurement services' agreement with Singapore Co under the terms of which  
    • AusCo is to receive services from Singapore Co in connection with Singapore Co sourcing raw materials from both international related parties and Australian third parties for a fee of A$10 million per annum payable by Aus Co
    • AusCo provides Singapore Co with the right to use its patents and trademarks for zero consideration.

Even if the total amount deducted in the income year by Aus Co in connection with the 'procurement services' agreement was less than A$2 million or less than 2% of Aus Co’s total IRPD expenses, the transaction/RAS does not satisfy the conditions of ‘Low value / low risk services agreements’ on the exclusions list.

Aus Co did not pay or obtain any consideration of a capital nature in relation to the provision of any services by Singapore Co.

Aus Co did provide non-monetary consideration in relation to the provision of any services by Singapore Co, being the grant of rights to its patents and trademarks to Singapore Co.

Aus Co has applied the transfer pricing methodology ‘Cost plus method’ to the 'procurement services' agreement with Singapore Co.

Aus Co has prepared transfer pricing documentation for 100% of the 'procurement services' agreement.

Aus Co did not enter into any deferred foreign currency payment arrangements in connection with these arrangements.

Singapore Co does not carry on their business operations through a permanent establishment outside Singapore.

In accordance with the instructions for IRPD services arrangements, Aus Co completes the Questions for the 'procurement services' transaction/RAS based on its accounting records, as shown in the following table.

In accordance with the instructions for IRPD use rights, Aus Co will also need to complete the Questions for the Rights to Use IP (RUIP) transaction, for the rights granted by Aus Co to Singapore Co for zero monetary consideration, as shown in Table 14 of Example 8.

Aus Co selects the Other services (OS) transaction category for the 'procurement services' from Singapore Co which includes any IRPDs in the nature of services not covered by any of the other following IRPD services transaction categories:

  • Treasury-related services
  • management and administration services
  • insurance services
  • reinsurance services
  • research and development services
  • sales and marketing services
  • software and IT services
  • technical services
  • logistics services
  • asset management services
Table 9: Completed entry for Example 6 - Charges for procurement Services by Singapore IRP
Table 9: Completed entry for Example 6 - Charges for procurement Services by Singapore IRP

Question no.

Question label



Transaction Identifier

[Transaction ID]


Related Transaction Identifier(s)

[Transaction IDs for RUIP transaction in Table 14 of Example 8 and reported OS transaction in connection with 'toll manufacturing' arrangement with UK parent]


Transaction category



Is this transaction part of a RAS?



How many transactions are part of the RAS?



Australian counterparty name

[Australian counterparty name]


ABN or TFN of the Australian counterparty to the transaction/RAS

[ABN or TFN]


Name of IRP the non-resident counterparty to the transaction/RAS

Singapore Co


Tax residence of the IRP non-resident counterparty to the transaction/RAS



Was the transaction/RAS entered into by the non-resident counterparty in the course of its business operations carried on through a permanent establishment in a different country to its country of tax residence?



Country of permanent establishment counterparty



Amount of consideration paid (of a capital nature for income tax purposes) for the transaction/RAS



Amount of consideration received (of a capital nature for income tax purposes) for the transaction/RAS



Was non-monetary consideration provided (of a capital nature for income tax purposes) for the transaction/RAS?



Was non-monetary consideration obtained (of a capital nature for income tax purposes) for the transaction/RAS?



Amount of expenditure (not of a capital nature for income tax purposes) for the transaction/RAS



Amount of revenue (not of a capital nature for income tax purposes) for the transaction/RAS



Average balance of debt interests issued (Inbound Borrowings)



Capitalised interest deducted



Average balance of debt interests held (Outbound loans)



Capitalised interest returned



Book values



Was non-monetary consideration provided (not of a capital nature for income tax purposes) for the transaction/RAS?



Was non-monetary consideration obtained (not of a capital nature for income tax purposes) for the transaction/RAS?



Is the debt interest (including borrowing/loan) interest-free?



Did you enter into a deferred foreign currency payment arrangement in relation to this transaction



Foreign Currency Reporting Type



Foreign Currency Code



Amount of foreign exchange losses deducted for the transaction/RAS



Foreign Currency Code



Amount of foreign exchange gains returned for the transaction/RAS



Foreign Currency Code



What transfer pricing01/capital asset pricing methodology has been applied to the transaction/RAS?



What level of transfer pricing documentation has been prepared for this transaction/RAS?



If the reporting entity is a bank and transaction is in a RAS, has the special short term tenor rule for ordinary borrowings and ordinary loans been applied to this RAS?



If the reporting entity is a bank and this transaction is in a RAS, has the special short term tenor rule for short term derivatives been applied to this RAS?



If the reporting entity is a bank and this transaction is in a RAS, has the special rule for FX derivatives been applied to this RAS?



If the reporting entity is an OBU, is this transaction/RAS an OB activity?



Is this transaction/RAS covered by a category on the Exclusions List?



What category of the Exclusions List applies to this transaction/RAS?



Transaction Comments

Agreement to obtain procurement services in connection with procuring raw materials from international related parties and Australian third parties


End of example

