If you are applying for one of the following categories of DGR, you need to complete the appropriate schedule and lodge it with your application:
- Animal welfare charity – schedule for deductible gift recipient applicants
- Australian disaster relief fund – schedule for deductible gift recipient applicants
- Charitable services institution – schedule for deductible gift recipient applicants
- Cultural organisation – schedule for deductible gift recipient applicants
- Developed country disaster relief fund – schedule for deductible gift recipient applicants
- Developing country relief fund or organisation – schedule for deductible gift recipient applicants
- Environmental organisation – schedule for deductible gift recipient applicants
- Fire and emergency services – schedule for deductible gift recipients
- Harm prevention charity – schedule for deductible gift recipient applicants
- Private ancillary fund – schedule for deductible gift recipient applicants
- Public ancillary fund – schedule for deductible gift recipient applicants
- Scholarship fund – schedule for deductible gift recipient applicants
- War memorial repair fund – schedule for deductible gift recipient applicants