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Entities seeking entry on the register

This applies to environmental organisations, harm prevention charities and cultural organisations.

Last updated 11 December 2023

Refer to the list on changes that may impact your organisation:

Transitional provisions in place from 1 January 2024

Your request to be listed on the register of the relevant department will be transferred to the ATO.

We will treat your request as, both:

  • an application for endorsement as a DGR for the whole of your organisation under the new law
  • having been made on 1 January 2024 and in the approved form.

We will process your request and contact you with any queries we have, prior to making our decision.

Public fund obligations

The transitional provisions do not treat your public fund as your gift fund under the new law.

You may need to make some changes to your public fund arrangements, so you comply with the new law. You may choose to replace your public fund with a gift fund or make changes to your public fund rules.

You will need to remove requirements that are not compatible with the new law, such as requiring receipts to be in the name of your organisation rather than in the name of the public fund.

You may also choose to change your public fund rules to remove requirements for a majority of responsible persons on the management committee of the public fund or replace your public fund with a gift fund that does not have this requirement.

If you do make changes to your governing document, you must comply with the terms of your governing document which specify how changes or amendments to your governing document are made.

If you are a registered charity, you continue to have additional obligations to the Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission (ACNC). You must notify the ACNC about changes to your governing document. Refer to ongoing obligations to the ACNCExternal Link

Gift fund

You need to meet the gift fund requirements, you may either:

  • use your existing public fund (which may require amendments to its rules, so it complies with the gift fund requirements)
  • establish a separate gift fund.

If you establish a gift fund, it may either:

  • be part of the governing document of your organisation
  • have its own rules or constitution.

A separate ABN is not needed for the gift fund.

For more information about gift funds, refer to gift fund requirements.

Winding up provisions

Changes to your governing document may be required, if the winding up provisions of the public fund reference transferring any surplus assets to a fund, authority or institution that is on the register of environmental organisations or register of harm prevention charities.

