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Organisations seeking DGR endorsement

This applies to environmental organisations, harm prevention charities and cultural organisations.

Last updated 6 March 2024

Transitional provisions in place from 1 January 2024

Your DGR endorsement application will be treated as an application for endorsement for the whole of your organisation under the new law.

We will process your application and contact you with any queries we have, prior to making our decision.

Your public fund will be treated as your gift fund, unless or until you establish a replacement gift fund.

Winding up provisions

Changes to your governing document may be required, if the winding up provisions of the public fund reference transferring any surplus assets (to a fund, authority or institution) that is on the register of environmental organisations or register of harm prevention charities.

If you do make changes, you must comply with the terms of your governing document which specify how changes or amendments to your governing document are made.

If you are a registered charity, you continue to have additional obligations to the ACNC. You must notify the ACNC about changes to your governing document. Refer to ongoing obligations to the ACNCExternal Link.

Public fund obligations

The transitional provisions allow you to treat your public fund as your gift fund under the new law.

This means that from 1 January 2024, you can continue to use your public fund as your gift fund unless or until you establish a replacement gift fund.

Unless you make changes, you still need to follow your public fund rules where they are compatible with the new law. For example, requirements in your public fund rules for a majority of responsible persons (to be on the management committee of the fund) is compatible with the new law, so unless or until you make changes to your public fund rules (or replace them with a new gift fund) you would need to continue with this requirement.

If the new law requires you to do something that is not compatible with your public fund rules the new law applies. For example, the requirement in the new law to issue receipts in the name of your organisation is not compatible with requirements in your public fund rules to issue receipts in the name of the fund, so you would issue receipts in the name of your organisation.

You do not need to make any changes to your public fund rules. If you decide to make changes you should consider:

  • removing requirements for the fund to have a specific name (your fund can still have a specific name, but this is no longer a requirement).
  • amending the name of the public fund to reflect that it is a gift fund.
  • amending any rules relating to the objects and operations of the fund to reflect that:
    • the fund must be maintained and used only for the principal purpose of the organisation
    • all gifts and deductible contributions of money or property for that purpose are made to it
    • any money received by the organisation, because of such gifts or deductible contributions is credited to it
    • it does not receive any other money or property.
  • whether amendments are needed to ensure that the organisation has appropriate winding up rules to transfer any surplus assets of the gift fund to another gift deductible fund, authority or institution on the earlier of either the fund being wound up or the DGR endorsement being revoked. If the organisation is a registered charity, the recipient of the surplus assets of the gift fund must also be a registered charity.
  • removing any requirement:
    • that receipts are to be issued in the name of the fund (as a DGR you are not required to issue a receipt but if you do you must include certain information)
    • for a separate bank account for gifts and deductible contributions (you can still maintain a separate bank account, but this is no longer a requirement)
    • that the public must be invited to contribute to the fund (this is no longer a requirement)
    • that the fund must be managed by members of a committee, a majority of whom have a degree of responsibility to the general community (this is no longer a requirement)
    • to notify the ATO of changes to the fund rules (this is no longer a requirement)
    • to inform the former relevant government department of a specific matter such as statistical information or changes, including changes to the membership of the management committee (this is no longer a requirement)
    • to comply with rules set by the Treasurer or responsible Minister (this is no longer a requirement)
    • that any surpluses assets of the fund on windup must go to another entity listed on a particular register (this is no longer a requirement).

Alternatively, if you choose to replace your public fund with a gift fund, remove your public fund rules in their entirety (including any former department requirements) and add a replacement gift fund.

A policy to not act as a mere conduit is still required if you are a harm prevention charity or environmental organisation.

If you do make changes to your governing document, you must comply with the terms of your governing document which specify how changes or amendments to your governing document are made.

If you are a registered charity, you continue to have additional obligations to the Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission (ACNC). You must notify the ACNC about changes to your governing document. Refer to ongoing obligations to the ACNCExternal Link.

Gift fund

Your public fund will be treated as your gift fund – unless or until you establish a replacement gift fund.

If you establish a gift fund, it may either:

  • be part of the governing document of your organisation
  • have its own rules or constitution.

A separate ABN is not needed for the gift fund.

For more information about gift funds, refer to gift fund requirements.

Notification of changes

From 1 January 2024, you are no longer required to notify the former relevant department of changes to your organisation.

You must notify the ATO about some changes. Refer to changes to your organisation.

For example, you should only notify the ATO of changes to committee members if the changes mean that authorised contacts listed with the ATO need to be updated.

If you are a registered charity, you continue to have additional obligations to the ACNC. You must notify them about some changes. Refer to ongoing obligations to the ACNCExternal Link.

Other changes to consider

Consider removing any references to being ‘listed on the relevant register’. This may include:

  • website content
  • other promotional or public facing material.


