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NFP organisations may need to pay different types of taxes and may be entitled to concessions, credits and refunds.

Explains when NFP organisations are exempt from income tax as only some types are exempt.

NFP organisations must register for GST if their GST turnover is $150,000 or more. GST concessions are available.

Explains withholding in business transactions and not-for-profit eligibility for supplier discounts.

Your not-for-profit (NFP) organisation may be eligible to claim credits and refunds.

Know the type of records your not-for-profit (NFP) organisation should keep.

Information about state and territory regulation of fundraising activities such as bingo, raffles and doorknock appeals.

Changes to your not-for-profit (NFP) organisation can affect your tax situation. You must notify us about some changes.

Check how well your not-for-profit (NFP) organisation manages its tax and super obligations.

Detailed information about not-for-profit organisations and tax.

Information about starting up a not-for-profit (NFP) organisation, including structures, concessions and registering.
