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Governing rules condition

Your organisation will meet the governing rules condition if it complies with all the substantive requirements in its governing rules.

19 July 2015

You do not need to read this section if your not-for-profit (NFP) organisation is not required to meet this condition.

See the Requirements for self-assessing entities to work out if your organisation must meet this condition.

Your organisation will meet this condition if it complies with all the substantive requirements in its governing rules.

This means that an organisation must operate only in a manner consistent with the rules of core importance to its operation, including those related to its object and purpose and those relating to its NFP status.

Minor procedural irregularities, such as an absence of a quorum at a meeting or missing a required lodgment date, will not prevent an organisation from meeting this condition for income tax exemption.

Does your organisation meet this condition? If your organisation is new, does it intend to meet this condition?