Preparing, lodging and paying
Access information about preparing, lodging and paying.
How to complete, lodge and pay your business activity statement (BAS) or GST or PAYG instalment notice.
Keep accurate and complete records helps you meet your tax, superannuation and employer obligations.
How to report your business income and claim deductions plus other yearly reports or returns you may need to lodge.
Why we may hold your refund and how we will pay your BAS refund if you're due one.
When and how you can fix a mistake or update information on business or super tax returns and activity statements.
Learn about transactions entities report that may have tax or super impacts for others ('third-party' information).
What to do if you process transactions for business clients through an electronic payment system.
Information for entities required to nominate a registered agent as part of the client-to-agent linking process.
How individuals and businesses can make a payment to the ATO.
You can dispute or object to our decision if you disagree with it.