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Details you need to report

What to include in a 'Business transactions through payment systems' report.

Last updated 1 May 2018

The details you must report for each business client includes:

  • name
  • address
  • bank account number
  • gross monthly payment amounts.

IT specifications are available to help you to build the report.

IT specifications:

Reporting nil amounts

If one of the transactional data fields does not apply to a particular record, then the field should be zero-filled. For example, if you administer direct debit arrangements, cash out facilities are not relevant to your reporting, so you can zero-fill the Total cash out only amount, Total cash out only count and Cash out component data fields.

If an account has no activity for one or more months then you can choose not to report on that account for those months. This could occur if an account has been opened but there is a delay in commencing operations or if trade is seasonal.

If you do report these accounts in periods where there is no activity, you should report zero against the value fields in the Transaction period summary data record.

Reporting optional fields

If you are lodging in XML format and you are not reporting one or more of the optional fields for a client, you should not include that element for that client.

If you are lodging in flat file and you are not reporting one or more of the optional fields for a client, you should:

  • Zero fill where it is a numeric field
  • Blank fill where it is an alpha field.

Multicurrency transactions

If your business client accepts payment in a foreign currency, the information reported at Transaction currency needs to be in the currency the payment was either transacted or settled in. If a client transacts/settles in multiple currencies, include a separate Transaction period summary data record for each currency in your report.

Data fields

All data fields to be reported are listed in the IT specifications.

The data fields in the Business data record capture the identity information of your client and the data fields in Transaction Period Summary Data Record capture the information on the transactions occurring in the account.

Listed below is information on some of the data fields contained in the specifications.

Note: The XML specifications are developed in line with the standard business reporting definitions that apply generally across government. There are some instances where the generally accepted definitions are different to the definitions in the Business transactions through payment systems report. If you are preparing your report in XML you should follow the definition set out in the ‘report guidance’ in the XML specifications.

IT specifications:

Business data record

Customer reference number

The Customer Reference Number (CRN) is a unique client identifier that you generate. It is distinct from the Payment System Account Number and Settlement Account Number and needs to be reported in the Business data record and Transaction period summary data record.


You need to report at least one name for your client. This can be:

  • surname and first name
  • registered name
  • trading name.

Australian business number or Australian company number

The Australian Business Number (ABN) and Australian Company Number (ACN) are optional fields. You should report these if you have them for current clients and should collect and report them for new clients.


At least one address needs to be reported. This can be either a street address or postal address.

Transaction period summary data record

Settlement bank account name

This is the name on the bank account where the transactions that you process are settled. This is an optional field that should be completed if you hold this information.

Settlement bank BSB and account number

This is the BSB and bank account number where the transactions that you process are settled. These fields are mandatory fields.

Where the settlement account number and BSB do not refer to an Australian account or cannot be provided, these fields should be nine-filled in order to report a nil value. For example:

BSB: '999999'

Settlement account number: '999999999999999999999999999999'

Payment system type

You need to provide a description of the payment system. This is a free text field and can include:

  • merchant acquiring system
  • BPAY®
  • direct debit.

Payment system account number

You need to report the account number allocated to your client.

If you are reporting on the Merchant Acquiring System, this should be the Merchant ID allocated to the business.

If you are reporting on the BPAY Payment System, this should be the BPAY biller number.

If you are reporting direct debits, this should be the APCA number, BUDS ID or BECS ID.

Gross payment amount

You need to report the total value of transactions processed through your client's account each month. This is the gross amount before any refunds or fees are deducted.

Cash outs

If you process cash outs you need to report the transaction against two data fields. The amount of the cash out should be included in the 'Gross sales amount' and:

  • where the transaction is for cash out only (that is there is no purchase involved in the transaction), the cash out should also be reported against 'Total cash out only amount'
  • where the transaction includes a purchase and cash out the cash out should also be recorded against ‘Cash out component amount'.
Start of example


A supermarket allows a customer to take $100 cash out without making a purchase, so the report includes:

  • $100 Gross payment amount
  • $100 Cash out only.

Another customer makes a $70 purchase of goods and gets $30 cash out, so the report includes:

  • $100 Gross payment amount
  • $30 Cash out component amount.
End of example

Corrections and chargebacks

You need to report corrections and chargebacks as refunds at Total refund amount and total refund count. Corrections and chargebacks include fraudulent transactions and reversals.

Start of example


Learn to Sing processes a payment for $110 that should have been $101. They refund the original transaction and reprocess the payment for the correct amount. The amounts reported would be $211 at Gross Payment Amount and $110 at Total Refund Amount.

End of example
