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Running your business – records

Work out what records your business needs to keep for tax and superannuation purposes.

Last updated 3 February 2025

While you are running your business you are legally required to keep records of all transactions relating to your tax and superannuation affairs, specifically:

  • any documents related to your business's income and expenses
  • any documents containing details of any election, choice, estimate, determination or calculation you make for your business's tax and super affairs, including how (basis or method) the estimate, determination or calculation was made.

Information in this section is grouped into either the situation or the tax return or report that the records are related to.

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Information about the banking records you need to keep.

Records you need to keep to meet your business activity statement (BAS) reporting requirements.

You need to keep records of all transactions related to information you include in your business's income tax return.

Work out what records you need to keep to complete a Taxable payments annual report (TPAR).

Information about the records you need to keep for fringe benefits you provide to your employees or their family.

As an employer, it's important that you understand your record-keeping obligations when it comes to your employees.

You need to keep records relating to payments made to independent contractors and suppliers.

Information for the records you need to keep if your business is required to pay petroleum resource rent tax (PRRT).

You need to keep records of all income, expenses and vehicle use related to sharing economy activities.
