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Are you an employer?

If you're an employer, it’s time to review your end of financial year (EOFY) employer tax and super obligations.

Last updated 9 July 2024

As an employer, it’s important you keep on top of your payroll governance. This includes:

  • using your payroll software to record the amounts you pay
  • withholding the right amount of tax
  • calculating super guarantee (SG) correctly.

Check your employer reporting obligations, along with any upcoming key dates, including for:

  • Pay as you go (PAYG) withholding – From 1 July, the individual income tax rate thresholds and tax tables changed, which impacts your PAYG withholding for the 2025 tax year.
  • SG rate change – From 1 July, the SG rate increased to 11.5%. Make sure payments to eligible workers on or after 1 July reflect the new rate. For the quarter ending 30 June, apply the 11% SG rate for payments made before 1 July. Make sure you pay your SG contributions by 28 July in full, on time and to the right fund. The super contributions you make for your employees are only considered 'paid' when the super fund receives them.
  • Single touch payroll (STP) reporting – Remember to make STP finalisation declarations by 15 July for all employees you've paid during the financial year. The statutory due date for STP finalisation is 14 July. However, as this falls on a weekend this year, lodgments in this instance are due the following business day. Make sure to:
    • check your employees' year-to-date amounts are correct
    • ensure your declaration is for the 2023–24 financial year.

If you realise you’ve made a mistake, fix your STP data as soon as possible and re-finalise.

Remember to use good record keeping practices and review your payroll policies and procedures to account for any changes that could impact your business.
