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It's time to update your ABN details

Avoid missing out on important help and information by updating your ABN details.

Published 10 October 2024

When did you last check your Australian business number (ABN) details on the Australian Business Register (ABR)? If you're not sure, it's time to check your details are correct.

It’s important to check that your physical business address is listed as well as your postal address. Emergency services and government agencies use ABN details to identify businesses that need help during emergencies, such as natural disasters.

If your details are incorrect, you may miss out on important help, information, or support like financial grants.

Other ABN details include authorised contacts, contact details and business activities.

To act on behalf of a business online, your associates' details must be up to date on the ABR.

If you’re a not-for-profit (NFP) organisation, we recommend updating any new associates and authorised contacts after each annual general meeting (AGM).

How to update your ABN details

There are many ways to update your detailsExternal Link. The fastest way is through ABR online services. Log in using myGovID and Relationship Authorisation Manager (RAM)External Link. Soon myGovID will be changing its name to myIDExternal Link. It will have a new name and look - but you'll continue to use it in the same way.

It’s your responsibility to keep your details up to date, but you can ask your registered tax professional to update them on your behalf by authorising them in RAM.

If you're no longer using your ABN, you need to cancelExternal Link it.

We review ABN entitlement regularly and may cancel your ABN if there are no signs of business activityExternal Link.
