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Accommodation, pubs and clubs

Employers in the Accommodation, pubs and clubs industry have shared their SuperStream experience.

Last updated 26 July 2016



Ms Debbie Foster


Best Western Colonial Motor Inn, Bairnsdale, VIC


Accommodation, pubs and clubs



Number of employees

Less than 20

SuperStream solution

Payroll software

How did you hear about SuperStream?

I found out about SuperStream through MYOB’s Livewire newsletter and information I received from super funds. One of the funds put on a webinar that I attended. I acted on the information I received at the webinar.

What do you differently now?

To pay super, I used to log onto each different fund's website and do separate payments.

I paid super directly via MYOB for the first time for the June payment. I wanted to get moving on it now in case there were any issues. I haven’t had any rejected payments so far. It’s saved me heaps of time.

Using software that’s in the cloud I pay a monthly fee, it’s a bit more expensive but I get better service and more relevant information, making it a good investment. Being in the cloud means I’m not worried about losing data if my computer crashes or if I have good data security.

How have you overcome hurdles?

The most difficult thing about getting ready for SuperStream was getting all the correct fund details from each employee. I took the time to make sure I had the right details. I went onto SuperStream early so I had time to fix any problems.

What is your advice to other employers?

My advice to anyone looking at their options for SuperStream, is to use a good reputable accounting program that has a good payroll system – then you pay super in a one click process.



Ms Aimee Kable


Wig and Pen Tavern and Brewery, Acton, ACT


Accommodation, pubs and clubs



Number of employees

Less than 20

SuperStream solution

Fund portal

What’s your experience using SuperStream?

I pay super for about 12 employees each month online using AMP eSuper.

The actual number of employees varies from month to month as most are casuals.

I have been paying super online for the last couple of years. It’s good paying it all through one super company instead of five.

What is your advice to other employers?

My advice to anyone looking at an online option to pay their super is to use it.

You don’t have to send paper forms and you can arrange to have a direct debit set up.

Enter data once, then submit. It’s easier and much quicker.
