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Automotive and repair

Employers in the Automotive and repair industry have shared their SuperStream experience.

Last updated 26 July 2016



Jenny (Surname withheld)


AutoCo Group, Phillip, ACT


Automotive and repair



Number of employees

More than 20

SuperStream solution

Fund portal

What was your introduction to SuperStream?

I attended a SuperStream seminar by MTAA Superannuation Fund (MTAA).   I realised the benefits very quickly and decided to use the clearing house for all employing entities – it was silly to wait. 

I initially adopted the MTAA clearing house solution for the three entities that had more than 20 employees, and continued with the previous process for our other three entities. 

Has SuperStream saved you time?

SuperStream has absolutely saved me time. One amount, one place and it doesn’t matter how many employees I need to pay.

My time to process the monthly superannuation has reduced from 1 ½ days per month to around an hour (if there are no errors). 

MTAA promised payments would be transferred to members’ accounts within 48 hours.

What is your advice to other employers?

It’s brilliant.  Like anything, it’s a lot of work to set up but once you’ve done it, you’ve done it. 

To get it right, you have to get the nooks and crannies right.  Once it’s setup, it’s setup.
