Name |
Ms Tara Thorpe |
Business |
BYO Bookkeeping, Gungahlin, ACT |
Industry |
Trades |
Locality |
Metro |
Number of employees |
Less than 20 |
SuperStream solution |
Fund portal |
How did you hear about SuperStream?
I am a registered BAS agent. I heard about SuperStream through our industry newsletters, as well as from the ATO, the tax practitioner’s board, and my general network meetings with the Institute of Certified Bookkeepers (ICB).
What was paying super like before SuperStream?
Paying super was a huge task; it would take a whole day. I’d manually complete super payments or log in via multiple websites. However, most were paper returns and submissions with cheques, and then we received a lot of paperwork back.
I have two clients with more than 20 employees, but the majority are under 20 employees. My largest client has 85 employees. Initially I went through their main default fund’s clearing house. But I found there was still room for error, I would punch it in manually. I didn’t initially use the upload spreadsheet feature, but later on they ‘spoke to each other a bit better’, so then yes.
How have you implemented SuperStream for clients?
For my smaller client within the construction industry I initially used the Small Business Superannuation Clearing House. However I have recently put them onto MYOB for all business functions, including super. They have been a bit hesitant to move everything online. They are established in their processes. I explained we will have to do it anyway, and it will be so much quicker. They do appreciate I have my reasons; I don’t think they really want to hear all my reasons all the time, but we do get there.
What’s your experience with SuperStream?
Now that I have upgraded MYOB it is so easy; it is a tick and flick and off it goes.
I have some people with salary sacrifice and I can make that work beautifully. I do have an employee with a self-managed super fund. I have not had any problems with that either.
Can bookkeepers help trades businesses with SuperStream?
Yes. I am asked about SuperStream a lot. People get nervous as it has to be reported on the payment summary. If they don’t have an understanding they’re hesitant. They learn more about these things through people like me, who are in their business every week. They trust me and my judgment.
They may only see their accountant once a year, and they do the bookwork themselves, or have their partner (wife) do it for them. They think it is annoying to fill out a super form, however, I know it is easy to complete a new person’s details via the Small Business Superannuation Clearing House.
If I show them how to do it, then and only then they say it is easy. They don’t want to do the setup. If there was a service they could go to that would put their information in, then they would operate it.
Has SuperStream helped things for small business?
Yes. Smaller businesses need super to be easy.
They want click, click, click.
SuperStream does this.