Provide employees' TFNs to their super funds

If an employee gives you their TFN you must give it to their super fund within 14 days, or you will be penalised.

Last updated 25 May 2021

When an employee gives you their tax file number (TFN), you must give it to their super fund.

  • For a new employee, provide their TFN to their super fund more than 14 days before you make their first super contribution.
  • For an existing employee, provide their TFN to their super fund within 14 days of receiving it.

Super funds need your employee's TFN so that:

  • the super fund can accept personal contributions from the employee
  • the employee will not pay extra tax on super
  • the employee can find all their super accounts.

If a current employee has not given you a TFN declaration since 1 July 2007, they can complete the Authority to provide your tax file number to your super fund form.

If you use a third party to manage your payroll or a clearing house to distribute super contributions, ensure your contract allows them to share TFNs with the super funds.

If you, or a third party you use, do not give your employee's TFN to their fund, you will be penalised.
