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Learn more about your super guarantee employer obligations.

Last updated 23 April 2024

You can take the Superannuation Guarantee Assessment after you complete the course. Once you successfully complete the assessment (with a score of 80% or higher), you can save and print a certificate of completion. You may redo the assessment as many times as needed to attain the required score.

Information for employers directed to complete the course

Employers required under superannuation law to complete this course will receive a written direction from the Commissioner of Taxation or their delegate. Once the assessment is successfully completed with a score of 80% or more, our systems will automatically record that you've completed the course.

To ensure we are notified of your successful completion, you must follow the instructions included in the Commissioner's direction letter. When prompted be sure to select 'Yes' that you have received a written direction. Directed employers should keep their certificate of completion until our written confirmation of compliance with the Commissioner's direction is received.

If you've completed this course voluntarily, that is without receiving a written direction from the Commissioner or their delegate, we will not retain any record of the assessment. The identifying details you are asked to input are only for the purpose of generating the certificate of completion. Unlike directed employers, we will not notify you that you've successfully completed the assessment.

Return to Module 8: Resources.

Return to Super guarantee employer obligations – online course.

