Managed investment trust flagged tax risks

Learn tax risks identified for managed investment trusts (MITs).

Published 17 March 2025

Restructures to access the MIT withholding regime

We have issued Taxpayer Alert TA 2025/1 Managed investment trusts: restructures to access the managed investment trust withholding regime. This alert identifies our concerns with certain restructures undertaken to access the concessional withholding tax rates. Consider TA 2025/1 for what could attract the application of the general anti-avoidance rules.

Announced but unenacted measure

The Australian Government announced on 13 March 2025 that there will be amendments to the income tax laws to ensure certain investors can continue to access concessional withholding tax rates in Australia. The announcement indicates that those amendments are intended to apply to fund payments made from the date of the announcement. For more information, see The Hon Stephen Jones MP media release: Clarifying tax arrangements for managed investment trustsExternal Link.

Announced measures that are not yet law will be subject to consideration by government. We can't provide advice on unenacted measures.

