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Calculate days calculator

Use this calculator to help you to work out (count) the number of calendar days from one date to another date.

Last updated 30 June 2024

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Calculate days calculator

Our calculator takes between 1 and 2 minutes to use.

What you can do with this calculator

You may need to use this calculator for several reasons, including calculating the number of days you:

  • don’t have to pay the Medicare levy surcharge in an income year
  • were in Australia or overseas when working out your residency
  • had a spouse in an income year
  • were living in a remote area or served in forces overseas
  • owned a CGT asset, to work out a capital gain or loss.

If you use this tool to work out if you owned a CGT asset for at least 12 months before a CGT event happens, you should exclude both:

  • the day of acquisition
  • the day the CGT event happens.

You can also use the calculator to work out the number of days since you lodged a tax obligation, such as your tax return.


This calculator will only calculate calendar days, some service standards refer to business or working days. Business or working days are Monday to Friday, in these circumstances we don’t count Saturday and Sunday.
